The parent who is overzealous at open house

You carefully go over your notes and scan the entire classroom. Everything is in order. You have taken time to plan well, and you are certain this open house will go smoothly. You've barely started your presentation when you see a hand go up. You politely answer the father's question regarding his daughter. A few minutes later, he has another question focused on his child. Again, you politely answer his query. Pretty soon, you see the same parent's hand go up again and again, along with a question pertaining only to his daughter. How would you handle this situation?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Perhaps it may be a good idea to send parents a letter about what the agenda is for the Open House. Inform them there will be a general Q & A following the presentation and remind them about the agenda on Open House night. I would also tell the parents that if they have specific questions that only pertain to their child, to see you privately after the Q & A to discuss what is on their minds.

I like the part of your solution about addressing the personal questions about a specific student after the open house along with having a Q and A.

I agree that a general letter about open house would be helpful, that way if the parent persisted to ask questions, you could point out the appointed time in which they would be able to do so.

I agree also, handing out a general letter about what will be discussed at open house is great. That is another way to have a hard copy also of what was discussed.

I like the idea of stressing to the parents that you would be happy to have time after the open house to discuss personal questions regarding their child.

Discussing these issues privately is the best way to handle it. Make sure to set up some ground rules, too. Great suggestions!

Solution #2
Before open house is even scheduled, as the teacher I would create an agenda as to how open house will go. I will write the schedule, and make sure to include times and topics that will be covered. I will make sure to include a 30 minute period that will be open for questions, comments, or concerns. I will also be sure to give each parent a notepad, or sheet of paper with a pen so that they can take notes, and jot down any questions they could have during the time that I am covering key points. I will also verbally express to the parents that questions will be taken at the end. Hopefully after having a visual, and verbal reading of the agenda, the parents can hold all of their questions for the end.
Solution #3
Tell the parent that if he would like to schedule an individual conference, he can do so.
Solution #4
After the second hand went up I would stress the fact in a polite manner that we are on a bit of a time schedule and if anyone had any specific questions for me I would be happy to stay and answer them to the best of my ability.

I agree that it is best to focus on the general class during open house, but I feel that some parents might take it as rude if you addressed them in that manner.