Trouble students

Today I was subbing, there was a student who thought it was "cool" to be disrespectful and get in trouble. This student's goal was to get in trouble. What do you do in a situation like this?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Oftentimes students need attention, so they act out in class. When my students act out, I redirect them by giving them a task or reminding them that they need to work. If the students are continually disruptive and it becomes a problem for other students, I will collect their work and escort them to another teacher's room. Removing them from a situation can sometimes help correct the problem, especially as a sub.

That seems like an excellent solution.

i agree with moving them to a different classroom if necessary.

Yes! Get the student out of the classroom so the other students are not disrupted

Solution #2
You can ignore it and go through your lesson not acknowledging their misbehavior like has been suggested many times before, or you can handle it early and have them removed from class early, before your whole class has been disrupted by either them acting out or you constantly having to tell them to be quiet or stop. Handle the situation with giving them the least amount of attention. Their general ed teacher probably has specifics for dealing with this students who they should already know is a trouble students. If possible, talk to your teacher first. If unable, handle it strictly. They are most likely acting out more than normal because you're a sub. Don't let this be acceptable.
Solution #3
Ignore them for as long as possible until they get disruptive. When it becomes too much to handle send them to the office and call the parents to explain the situation to them.
Solution #4
I ignore the behaviors when they do not harm me or other students and I make sure that I come well prepared and have the lessons and transitions carefully planned to not allow for time to be disrespectful. I also reward the acceptable behaviors and give praise when we are working hard.
Solution #5
The students who do this are just trying to get attention. Ignore the student to a certain extent, if the behavior continues let them know the only thing this behavior is effecting is themselves and how it is disrespectful to you and the class.
Solution #6
put the student away from the other students, at a desk. explain to him if the behavior continues he will get a note home and possibly sent to front office.
Solution #7
Ignore the behaviors when applicable, and praise their good behaviors every time they occur. It is likely that they are seeking attention, even if it is negative attention, and their motivation needs to be redirected. Also, you can send a note home to the parents about the student's behavior.
Solution #8
Don't give the satisfaction of being in trouble. I wouldn't completely ignore the student but I would limit attention given.
Solution #9
I would immediately call an administrator.
Solution #10
I try not to acknowledge or make a big deal of this type of disruption, unless it creates a poor teaching environment or unsafe condition. If it does I am quick to remove the student from the area and take away priveleges. I make sure to address all of the good behavior in the classroom as well.
Solution #11
Explain in private to the student that getting in trouble may seem cool to them but in reality, it will back fire on the student in a negative way, while trying to be funny and make others laugh and be "cool", there is a better approach.
Solution #12
Don't give too much attention, when it gets out of hand tell him the consequences.

I agree don’t give attention!

Solution #13
Students like this often just want the attention, so do not give it to them.