
What is the best way to deal with bullies in the classroom?

Solution #1
Top Solution
This would depend on the situation of the bullying. If this is a first time offense, I would sit down with the student and tell them that bullying another student is the wrong thing to do and that bullying is hurtful. If it is a second or third offense it would be a note or call home and possible detention (depending on the grade the students are in). If this is a student that has made several offenses and will not stop, then I would send them to the principal office and make sure that the students parents are aware of what is happening. To the student that is being bullied I would make sure that they are consoled and talk with them, to see how everything started and let them know that they will be okay and that you will do everything to make sure that it will not happen again.

I agree, talking to the student and involving the parents is a great way to handle the situation.

i agree with all of these steps to help the bullying situation.

Solution #2
There is a zero tolerance for bullying in the classroom. Immediately talk to the student or students involved in the bullying and talk to them after class. Let them know that there is a ZERO tolerance for picking on others, do not even let there be a second or third offense. Tell the student the next time it occurs they will be getting sent to the office and a phone call home.

I agree with this. Zero tolerance for bullying means that this is something that should be dealt with immediately and swiftly.

Solution #3
Check first with the district and/or school policy for bullying and take those actions in the event of bullying. Establish with the class on the first day of school that bullying has serious consequences and be firm in giving those consequences any time bullying happens. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but, often times, those who bully have experienced bullying or some form of abuse in their past. If you have a repeat offender, it can help to chat one-on-one with this student and reach out to them. They may need the help of a school counselor to attend to their issues.
Solution #4
There is a zero-tolerance policy for bullying on school campus. Talk to the class about bullying and make sure they feel safe enough to report it. Go over the proper procedures for reporting an incident. Education is the most powerful weapon. Sometimes bullies don't know that's what they're doing and victims don't know how to handle being bullied.
Solution #5
The guidance counselor could come in the classroom and teach about bullying, including the what classifies as bullying and ways to stop bullying. The teacher could have a poster that states qualities of good friends and bad friends, and include a class discussion of what is something nice to say and do, versus something that is not okay.
Solution #6
There should always be a zero tolerance policy for bullies. If the student is caught bullying another student, no matter if it is the first time or not, the student should receive a referral and be sent to administration. There they can speak with a counselor and be counseled to be made aware that there is zero tolerance for this behavior.
Solution #7
No matter where it happens there is a zero tolerance for bullying. Depending on the school it is always best to confront the bully and let them know that there are consequences for this kind of behavior. Immediately let the administration know who is being bullied and who the bully is so that they can take it into their own hands.
Solution #8
talk with the students and alert the parents.
Solution #9
You must do everything possible to prevent students from being bullied. Pull students aside and speak with them about the harmful effects of bullying. If this does not work, take it to administration.
Solution #10
There is many ways of dealing with classroom bullies. A few ways you could deal with them is by having a lesson on bullying and how it affects the victims. Sometimes they are unaware of how badly they are hurting other people. Another way is to talk to them one-on-one or have parent conferences. You need to understand WHY they are doing this, sometimes they are also being bullied themselves or are lookng for attention.
Solution #11
I would first do a lesson on compassion for others. A great way could be perhaps to play a heartfelt movie. I would also express that there will be zero tolerance for bullying and parents will be contacted. You may need to speak with individuals privately. Additionally, perhaps offer and incentive for treating others with kindness. Perhaps a "good citizenship" award each week, like pencils or computer time. This may motivate students to do good deeds for others.
Solution #12
I think the best way to address bullies in the classroom is to address the class as a whole and to let the class know that bullying is unacceptable and to let them know what the consequences are.
Solution #13
Prior to dealing with the bullies, you need to discover what is actually taking place within the classroom. Depending on the situation, I would determine the solutions. It may be beneficial just to have a discussion with the student on how we talk to our friends or involving the parents. I would also ask the guidance counselor to come talk to the class about bullying. This would not single any particular student out but might get them all thinking about how they treat others.
Solution #14
Students should know bullying is 100% not tolerated so if something like that started to occur, I would immediately call home and tell the parents. If that didn't work I would start taking away privileges (ex: P.E or computer time) and writing referrals because that is just not acceptable.
Solution #15
Make sure that all students understand that the school has a zero tolerance police. Have an open classroom so that all studnets know that they can talk to you about bullying that might be happening.
Solution #16
My schools have a zero tolerance with bullying. That will not fly. The best way to deal with it is to take it higher up.
Solution #17
Understand the situation and both sides, have students sit down and effectively communicate how things make them feel. If the bullying continues,send it to administration and guidance counselors but always make sure your classroom is a safe space for all children.
Solution #18
By setting a clear list of both classroom expectations, and consequences for students who do not follow classroom expectations.
Solution #19
Begin the year with a strict policy and lesson on bullying. Make clear to all students what bullying is and what will happen when you see it. Personally, if I ever see bullying in the classroom that doesn't subside with eye contact, I would contact the parents of both the bully and the victim and have them take it up with administration. There is only so much you can do as a teacher, even with bullies in your class. You just can't simply have them removed every time, or even with a 0 tolerance policy, it doesn't always work. Ask for parents help to make sure it stops.
Solution #20
One way that I have used in the past is to Discuss bullying as a whole class and ask students to define bullying as a writing project and turn that information in to you. This way you can catch students misconceptions about bullying and more correctly address the issues that circulate the classroom.