On parent is in and another is out

When I was interning in a 5th grade class, I had a student that was having trouble in class. When we had parents conferences, one parent was all in and wanting to make sure the student was set and would discipline him if he was not completing work and losing his homework. The other parent didn't care that the student wasn't doing well in the classroom and just didn't seem to care about his grades.
How would I deal with this, if I was the teacher talking to these parents?

Solution #1
Top Solution
If it were my student, I would stay more in contact with the involved parent and make sure they stay on top of things. I would reinforce that behave in the classroom so they don't think they can get away with bad grades or behavior. The child needs support, so as a teacher, supply as much as you can, and keep in touch with that parent to make sure things go well at home.

I agree that this is a good solution. There is only so much that you can do about the attitude of your parents, and while you stress the importance of their involvement it can only go so far. Instead, focusing on the parent you can work with will help you to stay on top of things and make sure the student is supported as much as possible.

I agree with this solution.

this is a great solution i agree

I agree!!!!

Solution #2
I would just bring it to their attention that students do so much better with their school and homework if both parents put in the effort in the nicest way. Don't necessarily tell them how to parent just some facts about the statistics of the children who do better. Keep the students work together throughout the period and show the parents at the end of the year.
Solution #3
I wouldn't give up on the other parent that is not as involved as the other. I would try to reach out to make them feel they are able to be involved. This may change how the parent is feeling towards their child's education. Also maintain good communication with the involved parent.
Solution #4
Solution #5
I would try to assign some projects or homework that the parents can be involved in, for example assign a science fair project. Hopefully the parent will become more involved and realize that they can make a positive influence in their child's education
Solution #6
I would start collecting the student's work for a portfolio. This way it can be shown to both parents. If the child is living with the parent who doesn't care, his work will reflect that. Then, at the end of the year when the parent wants to know why their child is failing or not getting an A or B, you have a portfolio of work to show them.
Solution #7
If you were the teacher, I personally don't think there is anything you can do to change the parents attitudes. I would make sure the child isn't being abused or neglected and maybe work with him one - on one.