Student calls home with a complaint

You are a middle school teacher. Kelly Illalot, a very capable, yet unmotivated girl, misses your class a lot, and therefore, has a low grade. She often goes to the sick room to rest, and complains of everything from headaches to menstrual cramps. Her parents come and get her every time she calls home with a complaint. How would you handle this situation?

Solution #1
Top Solution
To start, I would reach out to the student's parents to let them know your concern, and to make them aware that her frequent absences are having a negative impact on their child's academic performance and growth. It's probably appropriate to suggest a parent-teacher conference as well to keep the lines of communication open. Further, given the frequency of the students absences, I feel it's also appropriate to involve the school guidance counselor, to seek deeper evaluation/analysis as to what might be causing this problem.

I like your suggestions because it stresses the importance of communication between the parents and the teacher. Involving the guidance counselor is excellent because a situation like this may need a deeper look than a teacher can provide.

Communication is key with parents and teachers. Whenever in doubt always ask for another opinion through a counselor or principal.

I agree with this solution. Keeping the lines of communication open and friendly is the key to having a successful relationships with parents.

I think that communication with the parents and the guidance counselor could be the key to this situation.

Getting together with the counselor and the parents will help make a plan for the student. I agree with this solution; everything is documented and there are multiple people with the student's best interest.

Open communication is always a good thing. Very thoughtful solution.

I agree with this solution

Solution #2
I would contact the student's parents and attempt to resolve the issue by asking if Kelly has seen a doctor recently or if she has any medical conditions that the school is unaware of. I would inform the parents that I am concerned for Kelly's success and inform them that each time she leaves the classroom or goes home she is falling further behind in her academics. Maybe there is a reason why the parents are so quick to pick up their child that the teacher will not be aware of until the parents are contacted.

I agree that it is important to know what is going on with your students but I feel that asking about medical issues so openly could offend some parents. I think the best thing to do is try some new methods in teaching and see if it helps the students drive in class. If the problem persisted, I would then contact the parents and explain to them the issues that the frequent absences are causing.

I agree you must get in contact with the parents and express your concern. Additionally, explain how her missing all this school time can hinder their educational journey if this continues.

I agree with this case study. I will utilize this information once I become a teacher.

I agree with this solution

Solution #3
I would start by contacting the parents to see if there are health issues the school is not aware of. I would also suggest a conference in which an administrator and the school nurse were present. If the student is not 504 or hospital homebound eligible, I would stress to the parents the importance of keeping their student in class and the consequences and missed opportunities on learning of constantly being out.