Different students

I have many students who always disgree and laugh at other students no matter what is said. How do i get them to respect other students opinions?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Make it clear at the beginning of the year that this is a safe place where there is no judgement, bullying, or rudeness in the classroom. Make sure to punish the students who are being disrespectful and hurtful. Be sure they know who is in charge and that they know how to act. Do not ignore the problems or let the problems continue because it makes you as a teacher a push over and they will never listen to you if you don't fix it. If it is past the beginning of the year and this is happening, sit down with your students and have a serious talk with them about how to treat each other and respect how others think, and then in the behavior continues take corrective action.

I agree!

Solution #2
This is something that should be discussed at the beginning of the year. Making sure that your students need to respect each other in the class room and there will be a consequence if students are disrespectful to each other. It should be apart of your rules and policies of the classroom.

Setting a tone at the beginning of the year is vital to teacher success.

I agree! Set the rules before they get a chance to misbehave.

Solution #3
I would reinforce the class rules, and if there is not a class rule that addresses disrespect, I would create one. If they are breaking a class rule, follow the appropriate consequences and go from their. If it persists, contact parents.

I agree! Making sure they go back to following the rules is important.

Solution #4
Sit with the class and create a set of classroom rooms and expectations together. This is show the students who are being disrespectful that their actions are not acceptable. If it still continues, I would send a letter home to their parent.
Solution #5
Make a lesson out of it. Talk about respect and how others want to be treated. Teach about the Golden Rule. Don't necessarily call out individual children unless it is done privately.

I agree! Make sure they go back to the rules.

Solution #6
I had this issue a few times as a former substitute teacher, and something that I did that seemed to help a lot was "Pausing for the I AM Board". As soon as I caught wind that students were bullying/laughing at other students, I paused whatever we were doing and walked to the whiteboard, and wrote "I AM". Each student gave me a positive word they believed about themselves "fearless, strong, kind, beautiful, etc.) and I wrote it up on the board. After every student gave me a word, we read them aloud in unison, and I said "Do you all believe these things to be true about yourselves and your neighbors?" and they all responded "yes". I then said, "Okay, then we need to treat one another with that belief. We need to respect one another in order to work as a team". My students loved this activity, and it honestly solved a lot more issues than I even thought it would. Sometimes it just takes a brief moment of students self-reflecting and being aware of others to turn their attitudes around.
Solution #7
Let the class know what is being said is not funny, nor is it polite or respectful. And let them know we will be doing team building activities until we all treat each other the way you want to be treated with respect.

Team building activities are a great idea.

Solution #8
Have one-on-one conversations with the students. If this does not help tell them that they will have to talk to the administrator