I have a student in my internship who currently has a FBA and goals regarding talking back, staying off task, and explicit language. As part of the internship I have to create a classroom management plan and was set to work with this student. I began the activity on a day the student was on task and ready to work. However since that day his behavior has become not only worse but he has begun threatening violence. I feel like my original plan of having the student self monitor his progress and align it with teacher monitoring is no longer work as the student will take the correction as an attack. I have been warned that this student is prone to lashing out unannounced and when have brought up my concerns have been informed that his behavior has been 75% better than in years prior and do not want to have him regress. Does anyone know of any ideas how to work with this student on his behavior in a different way?
I would ask the teacher if you can speak with the behavior specialist and let them know you are doing this internship. I have a student who is not engaged at all. I am doing my behavior plan with him and the behavior specialist and my CT were great resources to try different options. Even letting your supervisor at school know your situation might be a good idea.
Communication with the teacher is the best option I agree.