Really, you did that?

I was doing internship in an ESE class and saw a teacher smack a new student on the hand.
I was shocked and pretended not to see it, because the other teacher saw it and did not acknowledge it.
The teacher who hit the child then later on took the child to the bathroom and closed the door behind them..

Solution #1
Top Solution
I would record the incident and tell administration if what happen. Even though it is, your word against theirs and they have the upper hand, I would not ignore it. This lets the teacher know that you are watching and will say something to administration if it happens. If it continues to happen and is ignored by administration, go higher so it can be looked into.

Definitely. This poor child!

When you see something say something. You have right to report.

I like how you emphasized going higher if administration sees no issue with this.

Solution #2
Document this and take pictures, then go to administration with it. Any physical harm towards the student should be address quickly and not be taken lightly.

Completely agree, action should be taken.

Yes!!!! Action should have been done a long time ago, if the other teacher has seen this happen before.

Solution #3
As a future educator, it is your job to stand up for children being bullied even if the teacher is the bully. I would go straight to an administrator. School is supposed to be a safe place for students. If something were to happen to the child, you'd be at fault also for being aware of the abuse. Similar to if a child has bruises from home, a teacher must report it. Please speak up next time for the child's safety.

This is the best solution. Go straight to administration.

Solution #4
Because the child's safety is potentially being harmed I would make notes and proof of these incidents and take it higher up in the school board. Even if there is nothing going on it is better to check and make sure the student is safe.

yes i agree with this solution. Childs safety should come first

Solution #5
I would immediately go to administration. Could you imagine if that was your child? No kind of physical punishment is ever allowed. You should inform the administration and hope that she realizes her mistakes, as well as the other teacher who just watched.
Solution #6
I would record both incidents. I would also report what you have recorded to administration. If you do not report it you could get in serious trouble.
Solution #7
This needs to be addressed immediately! Putting hands on a student is not allowed in any way, shape, or form. If you are an intern, I would talk to your school supervisor on what is the best way to approach this. If you are now working in a school, I would tell the principal because they will be required to investigate it.
Solution #8
I would go to admin right away. Teachers can not lay a hand on a student or be alone in the bathroom with a student. You could also ask the other teacher why they think the main teacher hit the student and if this is a common problem.
Solution #9
I would report the incident to the school administration. That should not happen. That is inappropriate behavior.
Solution #10
I would definitely tell this to the appropriate person who will take action for the teacher's actions. It is our job to keep those children safe and putting our hands on them is not the answer at ALL!
Solution #11
This incident should not be happening, this is against policy. Teachers should not lay a hand on the students, you should consider recording the situation on your phone or take note of the actions and report the teacher to your supervisor.
Solution #12
That's something that needs to be documented and brought up to administration, we are not parents and don't have the authority to hit a child. Not to mention we shouldn't be alone with students for their and our safety.
Solution #13
I recommend talking to your university supervisor and to the school's administration to let them know what happen. By reporting it, you took action and administration can take it from there.
Solution #14
It is state mandated that you have to report that, I would suggest you to report to the administrators and then they will let you know what is the next step.
Solution #15
You are legally obligated to report that.
Solution #16
I would report this to administration. You can tell them what you saw, and you cannot elaborate in any way. It is best to write down all the facts as quickly as possible, for your own personal records and recall. You should also observe the child's reaction after leaving the bathroom with the adult. In certain situations, it may be acceptable for an adult to take a child to the restroom, if it is on their IEP. For example, if a child has severe disabilities and wears a diaper, then it would be acceptable for an adult to go to the bathroom and change the student if that is clearly on their IEP. Since you are an intern and do not have access to the IEP, the incident would also have to be reported.
Solution #17
You should have reported that incident immediately! Teachers should never ever physically reprimand a student and it is even worse when it is an ESE student because often they are not able to express themselves or notify an adult that they are being physically abused. you should have also notified the administration of the teacher who saw it and did not say something this is against policy and needs to be addressed before serious harm comes to these children.
Solution #18
As an intern i would have been shocked as well. But i would have adressed this with my university supervisor as this is extrmemly unacceptable behavior. If anything the university or school you are interning for will not use that teacher or school again as they are not providing you with good examples of teachers.
Solution #19
This incident needs to b reported to the principal and to the authorities. In addition, the other teacher that witness this incident, need to be addressed as well. This is abuse.
Solution #20
This is a definite case where you need to make notes on the event and talk to the administration. When it comes to a child's safety, it is better to error on the side of safety.
Solution #21
I would record the incident, talk to the second teacher that saw it to confirm there was another witness, and let the administration know right away.
Solution #22
I would defiantly talk to the person in charge of your internship an express your concert and what you saw!!!! That's not right..
Solution #23
In some counties the teachers are allowed to hit a child, I personally do not agree with this kind of punishment.