
There is one student in a couple of my classes who has ASD and is integrated into a general education classroom. She does not speak with other students, but takes a liking to the teachers. She has some physical habits that are slightly gross to watch, and the students will talk about it around her as well as the teachers will make fun of her too. Whenever I am around this student I have conversation with her and am very kind, but I feel as though she knows what everyone thinks about her. How do I address other adults and students talking about this student?

Solution #1
Top Solution
This would be something that you can talk to the adult directly about how their actions are hurting the student. Once the teacher has realized that they have broke an ethics code they should discuss it with the class that bullying is wrong. It should be apart of their procedures for the classroom. If you do not feel comfortable talking to the teach straight, you can go to high administration and let them know they have broken the ethics of the classroom.

I agree, definitely involve the parents.

I completely agree with your solution. I also feel it is very important to keep the code of ethics front and center all the time.

great idea involving the parents should help a lot!

i agree, talk to the teacher directly or involve administration because the ethics code has been broken.also explaining to the class that bullying is wrong should help.

definitely involve the parents, bullying is a huge no-no.

Solution #2
I think it is highly inappropriate for the teachers to make fun of any student, whether they are present or not. I would try to find a way to help the student better hide her habits or find a solution to do them in a more private manner. I would also incorporate a brief lesson into the classroom about bullying and respect so that every student understands that this behavior is not tolerated, and that it is not fair to make fun of anyone for any reason. Lastly, I would make it a point to address the teachers who partake in this bullying so that they understand the bad example they are setting for their own students.
Solution #3
I feel the best solution would be to talk to your fellow teachers and explain to them that making fun of students is not what they're there for. Teachers are supposed to help nurture students and make them feel safe in a learning environment; not sad and disappointed because all the teachers and students are making fun of her. Deal with the teachers first because students will mock what they see the adults doing. Then remind students that bullying is not tolerated and punishments will be given should it continue.
Solution #4
If teachers are making fun of this student, that is something to take directly to them and if the situation does not resolve, it is a matter for your superiors. As educators, you must uphold the most professional behavior possible and that is unacceptable. As far as the ASD student's habits, it could be something to note in her IEP and discuss appropriately with parents and other teachers how to best address the habits. Perhaps a lesson on kindness would be beneficial to your other students as well as reminding them about the consequences of bullying in your school.
Solution #5
It is important to remember that a student with a disability is a person first, and has a disability second. I think educating the class about a disability a fellow classmate has would benefit everyone. People, especially children, aren't able to accept or deal with something they don't know or understand. Giving the students a better understanding of ASD may help with the attitude towards their classmate.

I agree with your response and making sure the proper surrounding and learning environment is in place for this student.

Solution #6
Confront the adults directly. Be stern. Their jobs are to educate and set a good example. An ESE child is certainly not one to be made fun of or talked about in a malicious way. If confronting the teacher directly doesn't help, go to the administration. If the school is worth anything, they won't put up with it. If going to the principal doesn't help, go higher. Eventually, someone will do something.
Solution #7
You should immediately talk to the adult and how they are behaving in this situation. They should be thinking of the student and wanting to help them and it is clear they are not doing so. Then, typically when the adults actions change, children with copy and follow.
Solution #8
That is so unfortunate that even adults are acting like children. I would talk to the adults and explain to them that they are in fact the adults and the children observe how they treat and talk about this child and they follow the lead and do the same. It is unacceptable for a teacher to make fun of a student, if you have that perspective of a student with a disability then you are in the wrong profession. A teacher should be compassionate and empathetic and be an example to their students, not a negative influence. I would instigate some kind of kindness procedure where students who are kind are rewarded and student who complete random acts of kindness to encourage thoughtful and selfless acts of service within the class and ideally school-wide. Speak with the administration as they should support something like the all the way.
Solution #9
This is a very delicate situation as you never want to embarrass the child. No teacher or student should be doing this. I would say getting in contact with other administration or possibly the principle could be effective if matters became really detrimental to the student. Regardless no one should ever especially teachers be talking about this student behind their back. That is completely unethical and should never be tolerated.
Solution #10
This is extremely unacceptable and very hurtful for the student. I think that the class should be talked to privately about understanding each other's differences and that the teacher's should be reprimanded for even participating in that behavior.
Solution #11
This is something that I believe should be taken to higher administration for the teacher part, but as for the students you can sit down and talk with them and let them know it is not okay for you to talk about someone even if they can't respond to you. Now with the teacher, I would pull he/she aside and let them know that they are wrong for talking about a student who can't help these habits. The gross habits she does could be coping mechanism for her if she gets anxious or something. Then have a talk with your hiogher administrative team and let them know what is going on with this teacher and what she is saying about the student. No teacher should ever talk bad about a student in front of other kids because they will then think it is okay for them to say that to the other student.
Solution #12
Act swiftly and hard against this. Remind the students that it is their behavior being disciplined, not any other factor.
Solution #13
This would be a great time to plan a unit lesson plan on bullying and the effect of bullying. Some students (or teachers) may not realize the things they say or do can really have a terrible effect on others. Bringing it to their attention and allowing students to have a open and comfortable classroom will be the first step to making a difference.
Solution #14
I would definitely discuss this issue with adults themselves because that is absolutely unacceptable ethics. If it continues, administration should be contacted. Students are different since they are grade level with the said student and kids, sadly, can be mean but adults KNOW BETTER.
Solution #15
I will have a no bulling policy in my class and explain that its not every nice to talk about other people.
Solution #16
I would pull the teacher aside after class and have a conversation about the behaviors. Remind said teacher of ethics and that he/she is feeding into the bullying of said student. Allow this adult to know that the child is aware of the bullying and comments being made toward them.
Solution #17
Start by talking to the teacher of the classroom and letting him or her realize that they are breaking an ethics code as a teacher. From there if the teacher does not make a change with themselves and students, go to the administration and guidance counselor. If that does not work, try the website, anonymousalerts,com and report bullying. At this point, the school is legally obligated to do something about the issue.
Solution #18
something needs to be done because bullying should not be taken lightly. if the teachers are also talking about her then someone needs to talk to administration because no adult she be talking about a child, and you are a teacher you are suppose to be a role model. so speaking to both the students and the teachers should be your first step but if that doesn't work then you need to speak to administration.
Solution #19
I had a similar situation when I was in school. You need to have a talk with the students about her and what she is dealing with. This may get the students to take a walk in her shoes to understand why she is like this.
Solution #20
Bullying is a very serious thing. It can scar a student for life. I would talk to every teacher and every class she has and explain to them what ASD means and hopefully thy will get a better understanding of it.
Solution #21
These students and adults need to understand that this is a form of bullying and they need to encourage the students around them to be kinder to one another instead of tear a student down, they also should be informed of the harm that bullying can cause a student and its dangers.
Solution #22
This is completely messed up especially that teachers make fun of her as well. I would pull each student aside separately and explain to them that this child can not control these things. Then tell them that next time it happens they will be written up and admin will be involved as well as their legal guardians.
Solution #23
I feel like a possible solution would be to model good behavior and habits. I also think that praising her when she is doing well and not performing her gross habits would be beneficial. Parent involvement is definitely important as well so that they can be on the same page.
Solution #24
There should be no type of bulling going on and the students should be punished.
Solution #25
i admire your generosity and think you should stand up for her every time you see someone bullying her. I would also let her know that people think that what she is doing is strange in America. Explain to her about some American customs and see if you can help her find some friends.
Solution #26
have them go to the office and make consequences.