Case Solved
Divorce parents

I have a child in my ESE internship classroom where the parents always fight on who has to pick up their child, or always have the nannies pick him up, both parents have shown no interest in the child's well being and has said raising him is like raising a monkey, they only care to see who will win him in the divorce so the other parent will have to pay child support, should I report the family?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Reporting the parents is something you cannot do lightly. Talk to your administration. If the parents are not breaking the law, it's going to be out of your hands, or could even cost you a job. In the mean time, do what you can to make the child feel welcome in your class. It is your job to teach the child, not to be a "fixer." That might sound callous, but you can't help any child if you lose your job. Best bet is to note the incidents and talk to your administration.

I think that this is the best solution. Making the student comfortable is the highest priority.

yes i agree with this solution is best for the student

Great solution!

Solution #2
Top Solution
It is very difficult to be in a situation where you feel the parents do not care for their kid, however, they are your student so you want the best for them. It would not be best to report the parents since they are not technically doing anything directly harmful to their child. The best choice would be to focus on your student and how to help them to their best during class. In regards to their parents, I would have a parent teacher conference to discuss a set schedule for the students pick up; again, focus this is for the best interest of the student. For instance, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, their nanny can pick them up, Tuesday can be the mother, and Thursday the father. This allows them to argue less but still focuses on the child and their experiences in and after school.

I completely agree with you. Nice solution.

Solution #3
Top Solution
Your duty is to teach the student and help any was possible. I would accommodate the student in the classroom and help any way possible. If the student senses the tension from the parents and starts acting out, you can schedule an appointment with the guidance counselor. Best of luck!

Absolutely true.

Solution #4
This is a very sad and difficult situation. I would talk with your CT before you report and a guidance counselor. But if your gut is telling you to report then sometimes you need to go with your gut. However I would recommend some professional opinions first.


Solution #5
I would talk with a guidance counselor to see what they suggest. It shouldn't be taken lightly, but the family seems to be going through a rough patch at them moment with the divorce. Once, you get some advice, it'll be easier to determine which step to take next.
Solution #6
I do not think that you should report the family, you never really know the whole story anyways, you do not want to make the issue bigger and worse by getting involved. I would say take it to someone higher in the school board!
Solution #7
I would talk to someone higher up at the school to get their opinion. Maybe the guidance counselor might know a little more about how to handle that situation.
Solution #8
Before reporting I would consult in an administrator. Reporting is a big deal and can get a teacher in trouble if it isn't a correct report. So just take every necessary precaution before reporting.
Solution #9
I would not report the family since it sounds like there is no actual harm to the child. Be sure to do everything you can to support the student and make them feel welcomed in the class. It is hard since we care for our students so much and want the best for them. Unfortunately, we can only do so much unless the child is in actual harm.
Solution #10
Reporting parents is a big step to take but I think that as the child's teacher you need to look out for what is best for the child. If you as a teacher are ready to deal with the conferences and possible court cases to help this child. I think it is important.
Solution #11
I would maybe talk to each individual parent first to ask what is going on, kindly, without sounding nosy, after that I would report if it continues.
Solution #12
Definitely involve social services, guidance, and even administration on this issue. Be understanding of the mishaps that may arise in the classroom due to the students.
Solution #13
Talk to your student. See how this is effecting them. Maybe having a meeting with the parents were you could discuss some of the feels that the child is having with them. This might help them see things in a different perspective.
Solution #14
This feels like a very toxic environment for the child. If you see that this is best fight, you might want to talk the necessary steps to report the parents.
Solution #15
This is sad for me to see. I come from a family of divorced parents and during the split it is super hard on the children and the parents often don't realize since they are too busy. Make the child feel very welcomed and be a person they can talk too.
Solution #16
Solution #17
The first step I would take is to talk with your administration. I would see what they think about the situation. If they are unsupportive and do not want to help then I would escalate the situation.
Solution #18
I would report the family for neglect. As an anonymous caller you will not be held responsible for anything but it's better to report it than do nothing for the child's mentality.
Solution #19
i would definitely talk to a guidance counselor or principal first. if you can tell that the parents really do not care about the child i think it would be best for him to be given a new home.