ESOL and fcat

What is the most effective way to prepare ELLs for the FCAT?

Solution #1
Top Solution
There are several ways to prepare ELLs for FCAT. Early on, students should receive intensive instruction in English language. They should be able to receive accommodations on the math portion of the FCAT. For reading, having students read a variety of texts that will expose them to a broad vocabulary base would be a good strategy. It is also important to note that in an ELL's first year, they may be exempt from the FCAT reading and writing.

I think this is a good idea!

This is a great solution. I would do exactly this in your shoes.

Solution #2
Well first you must know what level of acquisition they are at. Once you know this you can better know what will work. Lets say that they are in the level of speech emergent or level 3. They do know how to speak English well and they can read and write in English but they still have a little bit of trouble. I would see what area the needed help in too. Maybe they need help in all areas or maybe just one area. Lets say its reading comprehension. I would have the student out reading a few sentences and then have them draw a picture of what is going on.

I agree that it is important to discover what level of acquisition then you could better prepare them by knowing in which areas they need help.

Solution #3
During my Level 1 internship and ESOL practicum, I encouraged my students to practice underlining, highlighting, and note taking while reading independently. Another useful strategy to help them connect to the text is to have them put themselves in the text- change the character's name to their own name, or pretend the passage is about them in some way. Another good strategy to teach them is "chunking"- taking the passage bit by bit.
Solution #4
I think an effective way to prepare ELLs for FCAT is to provide them with practice tests and familiarize them with the types of problems they will encounter. I would set up activities that teach FCAT vocabulary. Also, teaching test strategies such as process of elimination and reading thoroughly will prepare the student. One great strategy for ELLs is using context clues to decode unfamiliar words.