Currently I am interning in a high school where I provide assistance to ESE students in the general education classroom setting and teach them in two learning strategies classes. The students are great in the general education setting, but not so great in the learning strategies classes. I have quite a few students who are very deviant with me when it comes to listening during instructional time and independent work time. I confronted my CT about the problems I am having with these students that chose not to listen to me. However, all she says to me is that because I am young I appear to be more of a peer than a teacher to them. The problems have continued to persist and my CT still does not seem to want to help me communicate to my students further about respecting me as their teacher too.
If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.
I agree that it is disrespectful that she would blame your age as a reason that the students do not respect you. I think this solution of speaking with your university professor may lead to some great advice.
I would never do this. This is wrong.