First time applicant

As I'm getting closer to finishing school, I'm getting curious on the interview process. I'm interested in knowing the application process and what its like to go on interviews with the school system. Do you get to choose a school you wish to work or does the school system place you?

Solution #1
I'm only an intern, but in my county you are able to interview at any school you would like that has an opening. I'm not sure if it's like this everywhere else, but contacting the district office might be helpful as they can inform you about the process.

Very helpful!

Solution #2
It really depends on your school district. Most post specific positions, accept the application and do the vetting however they leave the interview and placement decisions to the specific school principal. Reach out and talk with your CT and supervisor about this, they may know of a few openings coming up too.

I agree. This is the best solution. I think it depends on the district.

I agree, it will depend on open positions and the district but it will be up to the principal which applicant is hired for their school.

Solution #3
Depending on the district, there may be an access portal where you are able to view open positions and apply accordingly.

You are correct!

Solution #4
You don't get to choose the school you want to, if this was the cases their would be no teachers in low SES areas. They will place you where they need you. On the other hand if you like a particular school that you would like to teach you must build rapport with the Admin and let them know that you really would like to teach their for so, and, so reasons, and that you will be graduating soon and was wondering if any teaching positions were going to be open in the up coming school year. Ultimately the principal does the hiring at the school.
Solution #5
That is a wonderful question! I am curious now about the process in the county I live in. I will do some digging and find out. It would also be good to look in other perspective areas if the location does not offer the solution you are hoping for.
Solution #6
For this, I would try and get in touch with someone that I know is already a teacher and ask them about it.