Defiant Student

I have a student in my internship who does not respect me whatsoever. When the teacher is around he listens well but if she is gone he will not do any work for me and talks back. Any solutions for this problem?

Solution #1
I would first start by talking to the teacher about it. They might have some tips on things that worked for them. The student might have acted that way with the teacher early on as well, but they figured out what worked.
Solution #2
You should let the student know what you expect from them. Explain to them that you deserve the same respect that they give their teacher. If the student continues to disrespect you I would give them verbal warnings which would lead to consequences. I would also talk to the teacher about this and have them speak to the student about what is going on.

I agree with this solution.

Solution #3
I think that it is the teacher's job to let all students know that the intern is just as much of a teacher as she is. And if the teacher leaves the room, and students act up, the teacher should let the students know that she gives the intern permission to discipline them. And if/when they act up, discipline them. Give out consequences. Don't hesitate. Don't let the small things go. If other students see you disciplining someone or a group of trouble students, eventually they will all button up. They won't respect you until you give them a reason to. If you let them get away with things, they won't listen to you when you need them to.
Solution #4
I would definitely speak to the teacher about their first experiences with the student. I would also make sure the student understands what you expect from them, and then implement the teacher's behavior management strategies.
Solution #5
You can try to have a talk with student while the teacher is present. The teacher may be able to reason with the student and provide a bit more insight. The teacher should make sure that the student know that when she is gone, you are in charge.
Solution #6
I would definitely talk to the teacher about it, and then talk to the student and see if there is some kind of misunderstanding. The student might buckle down and work if he knows that he will get in trouble with the teacher.
Solution #7
Just because you are not the students regular teacher, does not mean you should be disrespected. I would try talking to the teacher to see if she has any tips, because the student might have given her the same problem when the school year started. This way the teacher knows what is going on when she is out of the classroom.
Solution #8
First you need to talk to the teacher. If they are unable to do anything about it then I would consider going to a higher level of authority, All else fails, have the students removed.
Solution #9
This is an issue that you need to take to your CT. This is to not be tolerated by her at all. I think it is important you tell her.
Solution #10
I would try talking to the student and see where the problem is stemming from for them. Sometimes they are needing one on one time to learn that you are there for them and not against them.
Solution #11
I would tell the teacher and ask him or her to tell the student you are to be respected. If this doesn't work you send the student to another classroom.