Fighting in the classroom

There are two students that dont get along in the classroom. No matter where I seat them or how far away they are they still get into fights. What should I do?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I think at this point its time to get administration involved if these students aren't listening or respecting each other they are taking away other children's learning time.

Have them talk it out and find a solution

@rybuZy -- I am not so sure that approach would work. Once girls have established that they do not like each other, it is very hard to get them to like each other. Sitting them down may not bring any solution, but rather more drama. If separating them has not worked, there is nothing else that can be done in the classroom.

Solution #2
If the students truly are not getting along it may be time to remove one of the students. Notify administration about the situation and try to have one or both students placed in a new class. Before this action you could also try to have one other teacher take one student for just a day to see if the behavior of the students is correlated to being together in the classroom or not.

I agree about the consequences but I also think that letting the administration know before hand is a great idea. Having a parent teacher conference with the kids I think would also be a good idea to get down to the problem of why they are fighting.

Solution #3
I would definitely get administration involved. The students clearly do not think anything is going to happen to them if they act out. I would also reward them for being kind to each other. Positive reinforcement works wonders.
Solution #4
Have a talk with both students and figure out what it is about each other they are not liking. Students do not always have to like eachother but they certainly do not have to take away class time because of it. If it persists, I would have a talk with the school administrators.
Solution #5
I would use a penalty system with the two students. Something along the lines of three strikes before they deal with the consequence of having to eat silent lunch in the classroom, loss of recess, or detention. If the fighting continues, the parents should be informed before referring students to the administration.
Solution #6
Figure out what the students are fighting about, especially if it is a consistent topic and try to remove that so it eliminates the fights.
Solution #7
Swap the classroom for one of the students.
Solution #8
At this point I think it is a good idea to get the parents involved. Do not point fingers or accuse any child of doing one thing, but instead suggest maybe they have talks at home about the importance of keeping harsh words to yourself. If the problem persists, perhaps it would be appropriate to remove them both from the class and have them separated.
Solution #9
Try to get the students to a counselor or maybe have one switch classes.
Solution #10
I would talk to administration, and see if one of them can be placed into a different classroom.
Solution #11
Document the behavior and write them up. After awhile talking gets old and you have to take effective action.
Solution #12
Depending on the grade level, you should be able to have one of the students removed, however if you are in a elementary school setting, you may need to talk to higher authority.
Solution #13
Definitely get administration involved at this point and ask them for any possible solutions to this. It is also great to freshen up on school policies when it comes to fights. Also, remind students that if this behavior persists then phone calls home will be made and administration will get involved.
Solution #14
Parents need to be involved immediately. Communication with parents is important regardless of the measure of consequences that the teacher wishes to pursue. Continue to keep students separated until a meeting can be held.
Solution #15
you need to contact their parents and also administration. They need to know that fighting will not be tolerated and that they will receive ISS or OSS if it continues.
Solution #16
I would get the parents and administration involved. It may come down to changing the students schedule so they are not in the same class.
Solution #17
If they are physically fighting then they must be referred to administration. If they are verbally fighting they may need to sit down and find out what exactly is it that they are fighting about or that is bothering them. You may want to have the school counselor involved to get down to the true reason they are not getting along, the students need to find something in common and relate to one another in order to maintain peace. It sounds like they are aggravating and antagonizing each other which is never for no reason at all. Supported communication is the only solution I could see working to make peace.
Solution #18
Bringing in the administration may be needed at this point. If you have tried everything and nothing has stopped the fighting, it is possible that one them may need to be switched to a different classroom.
Solution #19
I would get the administration involved and follow district policies and procedures.
Solution #20
if the students are fist fighting very often, i would try and get one of them switched to a new class to prevent them from getting suspended on a daily basis.
Solution #21
If the two students are becoming a disruption to the class due to their fighting, then the best course of action would be to get administration or the parents involved. Whichever you find appropriate for your situation.
Solution #22
I would ask administration to get involved. It seems like they do not get along and a good fix might be to move the students to separate classrooms.