There is one student in the class with exceptional grades. They are excelling in reading and math. However, they are on the verge of retainment due to excessive absences. I have spoken with the student and sent notes home to the parents. What could I do? I don't want the student held back.
That's right. The students parents need to hear about this.
Yes, having a meeting is kind of all you can do and stress the importance of attendance.
I definitely agree with this solution above the other posted.
If I were in this situation, I would do exactly this. Parents need to be informed about the severity of the situation.
I agree with this solution.
I like this idea.
I do like having required agenda signature as a step in the right direction.
i agree with talking to the student as to why they are not coming and going to the principle if necessary. i also think a parent teacher conference should be set up.
I agree that talking to the student would be a good solution. Particularly since notes home haven't worked, so the student should be able to tell you something. If nothing else, they can explain why their parents haven't been answering the notes you've sent home.
I do like the behavior management plan idea, with counting how many days the student is out.
Yes, then you can see if maybe there is an issue or something else going on that you can address.
I don't think that will be enough here.