Case study of ESOL student

Harvey is a foreign exchange student from the Island of Haiti. At the beginning of the school year Harvey was not keeping up. The teacher thought it was because Harvey was just getting used to being in a new environment but now weeks later Harvey grades are falling. How does the teacher get Harvey to get accustomed to his new environment? And if these problems persist how can he change it?

Solution #1
There are so many components that go into ESOL education. First, there is a major language barrier, so it is important that the teacher work with an ESOL aid (if possible) to determine the students English proficiency level. Using this as a basis, the teacher can differentiate instruction to meet the student’s needs. For instance, if the student is an emerging English speaking, the teacher will want to include many visual aids and physical gestures (including TPR) while teaching. The most important thing is to be able to differentiate and scaffold instruction based on the student’s specific needs as an ESOL student and their current ESOL level. Small group instruction, one-on-one work, buddy work, and ESOL teacher aids are also activities to try.

This is a really good solution. This particular student may need the teacher to use different methods.

Solution #2
Is there a possible language barrier that the teachers are unaware of? Moving from country to country can be very stressful and its easy for a student to fall behind, especially if their English skills arent that great. Is there another ESOL student in the school that Harvey could connect with? The student doesnt have to be from Haiti but knowing someone else that is in the same position as you can be comforting and help with confidence levels.
Solution #3
Sitting down with Harvey and talking with him about the move and how he's feeling can help him become more comfortable in his environment. Showing that you care is important because Harvey may feel like he's alone and doesn't have anyone to talk to. Ask him how you can help him succeed and then implement those solutions. If there is a language barrier, try using translator technology as well as short, simple phrases when speaking with him.
Solution #4
Students from other countries definitely feel a major culture shock when coming to the United States. It is hard for them to understand our way of life when coming from a third world country. Maybe this student needs someone to talk to. His family could be having issues and this could be affecting his motivation in school. I think it would be best to sit down with the student one and one and just have a simple conversation about his life, family, and how he is accepting being in the US.
Solution #5
The teacher can get the student accustom to his new environment by asking what his old schooling environment was like, and what kind of grades did he make? From there the teacher can make a decision that he is progressing or in which way the situation should be dealt with.