Sexual comments.

So I have a teen male that's repetatively made sexual comments that were comedy driven towards a lot of the young females. I've already seen the teacher talk to him about it but it continued. The teacher has already contacted the parents but no improvement. What would be the best course of action?

Solution #1
Top Solution
The next course would be to have the student sit down with the parents, an administrator, and the teachers who have see the misconduct. This student needs to understand it is inappropriate to make these comments and gestures.

I felt this was the best suggestion to deal with this difficult problem.

I agree this is a great approach.

I agree with this approach. Sexual misconduct should not be tolerated, especially in a safe learning environment.

I agree with this approach.

I agree, though if parents have already been notified with no change then it may be a challenge to get them to the conference/to listen to the problem and recognize the need for a solution.

I agree with this action it is best for them to sit down with everyone who has witnessed the misconduct

This is probably the best plan of action.

The student must learn that this is unacceptable so this might be a great solution.

Solution #2
The student should sit down with his parents, teacher, principal and counselor. They will talk about what is going on and how to stop it, and see if there is a reason why. Consequences will be handled as in possible suspension in my opinion. The student was given a warning but did not stop, and that is not okay.

This seems like the best course of action, involves a meeting with the party involved and consequences for inappropriate actions.

Solution #3
If the parents have already been notified and there has been a conference, I think the next best step would be to contact the principal and/or other administration about this problem. This is DEFINITELY not something to be overlooked! Do your best to keep redirecting his behavior, and always reprimand the action and let him know it is NOT okay to objectify and sexually harass the other girls in class like that. If the problem persists, perhaps removing him from that classroom would be appropriate.

If I were in this situation I would do exactly this! The student need to have a meeting with the parents and school administrators and consequences need to be implemented immediately.

It is important to make sure you do the corrects steps and i think this solution has to be the best.

Solution #4
I would have the teacher arrange a parent-teacher conference with the student so that they can talk about the issue in person. I would also notify administration about the meeting and ask them if someone could join in on the meeting and go over school policy with the parents and student and what would happen if this behavior persists.
Solution #5
I think having the conference with the student, parents and administration is the most appropriate to decide what the next step should be. It is also important that we do not forget about the girls in this situation, their parents need to also be notified and the girls should also be encouraged to talk to admin or the teacher. They need to know that the staff is taking action even though it is 'only' comments or comedy the girls need to see it is serious and taken seriously by the adults around them. This will not only make them feel safe but also add another element in showing the student and the others in class how serious the issue is and will be taken.
Solution #6
If addressing the student and parents is failing, I would bring in school administration. Sexual comments are to not be tolerated and this matter should be taken seriously so the student understands that.
Solution #7
Conduct a meeting with the parent, principal, teacher and student about the situation. Tell the student that this behavior is not allowed and making other students feel uncomfortable. The behavior needs to stop or consequences will be in place.
Solution #8
Have him talk to the guidance counselor about his actions. Use the reality check/scare tactic of telling him that he is sexually harassing students now, how that is illegal, and how he can face time for these comments.
Solution #9
A solution would be to talk to the student and address why this is inappropriate along with unacceptable. remind the student of the classroom rules and procedures. This should be a rule in the classroom of respecting fellow students. If there is not any rule set up addressing this issue, a rule and consequences needs to be made. The student then needs to be held accountable to their actions. If the student continues to do this, consequences needs to be given. The teacher needs to be consistent with the consequences.
Solution #10
Sit down with the student, parents, and school admin to develop a course of action and future consequences should the behavior continue.
Solution #11
Best course of action would be to document this behavior every time it occurs and having the school administration get involved.
Solution #12
I would definitely contact an administrator and/or guidance counselor.
Solution #13
Your school has guidelines on sexual harassment. Use them, because that is what it is.
Solution #14
I would keep on using consequences and reminders that we should respect girls and others.
Solution #15
Honestly, I would speak to the SRO and ask if he could talk to the student about his behavior; maybe the officer could talk some sense into him.
Solution #16
Sexual comments are definitely not something to overlook. I would bring the case up to administration or even guidance counselors.
Solution #17
I would schedule a conference with the parents, student, administrators, and guidance counselors. This behavior has to stop and I think by having a conference with everyone would do well with getting the student to understand the severity of the situation.
Solution #18
The next step could be a conference with the teachers and parents, sometimes just contacting them is not enough but having them have to take time out of their day and sit in front of the student might make them change.
Solution #19
The next course of action would be to have a meeting with the student, parents, and an administer to discuss what is being said. During the meeting one should also discuss the possible consequences comments like that have on his peers and well as himself if he were to get in trouble with the law.
Solution #20
A conference is needed at this point with parents, student and administration. It needs to be addressed as to where this behavior is coming from and that it will not be tolerated. Explaining to the student that harassment is not a Joke and that the student can have consequences outside of school such as charges being pressed and getting into legal trouble if it does not come to a complete stop.
Solution #21
I think there should be a meeting between the student, teacher, parents, and administration to discuss the behavior and to provide a solution.
Solution #22
Talk with this student immediately. They need to know that it is unacceptable. Those girls deserve better than to be objectified and harassed. If he doesn't end it then take it to administration to deal with. He cannot get away with acting like that. It's inappropriate and unacceptable.
Solution #23
Refer the student to the administration. If the student and parents have been talked to, there isn't much left to do. The comments are unacceptable and the other students should not be subjected to them, so the administration needs to come down hard on this student in a way the teacher simply cant.
Solution #24
This is most likely something the student is being exposed to at home be it through the internet, social media, tv, or friends the student hangs out with. I would advise the student that being respectful of others is important and that is he has an interest in comedy he can pursue that without being disrespectful. I would build trust and community with that student. The better you get to know them the better you can help steer them in a different direction. It may take some time but it will be worth it at the end.
Solution #25
The parents have probably not actually reprimanded their child because he probably learned it is okay to talk that way from his home life. I would sit down with the student and ask him why he thinks it is okay to make these comments towards young females and why it isn't okay to. Furthermore, I would ban all types of language like that from my classroom or at least reestablish it. If the comments continue, contact administration and speak to the principal.
Solution #26
Administration involvement!!!! This is something that the girls might want to discuss with their own parents in hopes that their parents will reach out to the school with the concerns. This behavior is not acceptable and this student should not be allowed to make girls feel uncomfortable on a daily basis.
Solution #27
This student needs to have more serious consequences. I would have the females go to the principles office and they need to explain to the principle and let him or her know that nothing is being done and even the students parents are aware of this situation. From there the principle can assume the correct course and action for this student.
Solution #28
The teacher should remind the student of the school policy regarding sexual harassment and explain the consequences. If the behavior is not corrected, I would set up a phone call or face-to-face meeting with the parents. Last resort would be to get administration involved.
Solution #29
I would propose a parent, teacher, student, and administration meeting to ensure that everybody is on the same page that it is inappropriate. I would propose a behavioral plan for this student.
Solution #30
The next step should be to have a parent meeting with the teacher, student,administration, counselor, teacher, and possibly the SRO to help this student and the parents understand the seriousness of the situation.
Solution #31
I would send him out of the classroom every time this happens. If it continues, I would send him to the guidance councilor. Until he stops, seat him away from students and close to you. If that doesn't help, seat him outside of the classroom.
Solution #32
The best course of action is to read the schools policy about sexual harassment. Then, I would have the student and parent sign a document, clearing the school of any violations if this happens again. This will be followed by a detention and suspension of the student if this happens again.
Solution #33
In this case, since the teacher has already reached out to the parents and received little to no support, I would involve the administration to devise a plan that gets the students attention and makes him aware that inappropriate comments even in a joking manner are not allowed on school property and can a punishable by law offense if they continue. With the administration I would notify the school police officer and hold a conference with the student administration parents and the law enforcement officer to notify the student that there are serious legal consequences if he continues the inappropriate sexual comments towards the female student. Hopefully the fear will entice him to stop the behavior.
Solution #34
The teacher needs to have a conference with the parent, the student and an administrator and talk to the student about how his comments will not be tolerated and that they are very disrespectful. If he continues to do it he will be suspended.

I believe that this approach will work well because it emphasizes the seriousness of the harassment.

Solution #35
I would feel as if a counselor or administrator should speak with him. This is something that can escalate into something much worse.
Solution #36
I would talk to the student and see why he felt compelled to make those comments and I would talk to him about some hard realities he was going to face in life if he didn't stop
Solution #37
The teacher should teach and model appropriate behavior. The teacher should start by holding a class discussion about offensive conversations and inappropriate words that should never be used in and out of the school. The teach should then have the students create skits about comments that are hurtful and derogatory. Using the skits and language use by the students, the teacher should then model for the class the acceptable language and behavior. A short daily practice by the students should help the class stay on task. The student should be given a behavior sheet contract that makes him accountable for his behavior. His behavior contract should match the teacher's account of his behavior for the day. His parents, the school counselor, and principal should be kept updated about the student's behavior, as PBIS is a school wide initiative, and his parents can be an active part of the solution.

If i were in this situation, I would exactly do this.

Solution #38
Discuss with the student a no tolerance policy with this type of behavior. If he continues then bring in a LEO to emphasize the criminal implications.
Solution #39
The next step that should be taken would be getting administration involved and having them speak to the student. The behavior should not continue when administration speaks of consequence, but if it does a conference should be scheduled for all three parties to speak out on the topic and eliminate the sexual comments from occurring.
Solution #40
A conference with the parents needs to be made. If you've tried contacting the parents and referrals aren't making a difference, the parents need to know what is happening within the classroom, though face-to-face discussion.
Solution #41
Have him suspended

I don't think that this solution would do much to deter the behavior. The child will simply go back to the undesired behavior once he gets back if no other action is taken.

I would not do this as I feel it would not put a stop to the student doing it again in the future. This would only be useful for a temporary solution.

I would never do this! This is Wrong!

Solution #42
This is a very sad situation. I would have a parent teacher conference so you can see how the parents react to this. If it doesn't work have him switched out of the classroom.

Switching him to another classroom where he is a problem doesn't solve the issue.

Switching the classroom may not work, but also doing so based on the parents response is not the best rubric for reassignment.

Switching rooms still does not solve the issue at hand.

This course of action involves a "give up" step as the resolution which is not an appropriate resolution to this problem.