I am currently interning in a high school ESE room, the students are at levels between 2nd grade and 4th grade. The teacher that I am with has a hard time managing the behaviors of the lower level students. She has left me in the room at one point and one of the students threw his backpack at the fan that is in the room. I told her about the incident when she got back to the room, the student even came up and told her because he was proud of himself. She just told him to take his seat, was there something else to be done?
It is important to communicate with your CT. If there is something you can do to help them, then that may be the best way to bring the classroom back to manageable levels.
I so believe that you too can correct behavior, though you should still communicate with the teacher. She may know that this child feeds off of reactions to what he does and maybe that is why she didn't correct.
In an ESE classroom, this child may have a behavioral or cognitive problem and that may be the reason he does this. He may not be able to help it and you can't really punish a child for behaviors that can't be changed.