I just recently started working with a pre-production ELL student (we'll call him Jake). He was teamed up with another student (we'll call him Matt) to work on building a bridge for a STEM project. My CT thought the two boys would make a good pair because usually, they hang out at recess and lunch. My CT thought that they would be able to communicate well enough to complete the project (lots of visuals were provided and it is a very hands-on project). Trouble is, Matt got very bossy towards Jake. I explained to Matt that Jake had ideas and wanted to participate, too, and that they were to work together. A few minutes later, Jake was in tears. He was continuing to do all that Matt told him to, but through a tear streaked face. What would you do in this situation? How would you fix this?
This is the best solution. I think adding a third person would be beneficial.
Great job providing multiple solutions. Every student plays a part, and needs to feel comfortable.
I like this solution. It's possible Jake just doesn't understand the instructions or he doesn't have a picture in his head of how the assignment is supposed to go.
Yeah, I think splitting the boys up and calming down Jake so his affective filter is not so high that he cant learn is a good approach.