In my current internship, I am working in a ESE Center school. I have 8 middle school students in a self-contained SVE classroom. The classroom is run very well, and there are very few behavior issues for the types of students that we have. If students get out of control, we have a radio that we use to call the behavior specialists. One of the aids will call for behavior at the drop of a hat, and does not even try to address little problems herself. My CT gets frustrated, and so do I, but she does not do anything about it. How could you handle this situation without causing problems between the teachers in the classroom?
I agree that having a meeting to clarify feelings is a great idea. Better then going straight to administration. Maybe even adding some sort of easy/fast signal between the teachers, and that at least 2 have to agree to call someone in.
I would for sure bring it up to her first and see if we can agree on meeting together and discussing what is appropriate and what is not. Going to administration would be my last resort.
I agree, talking it out is the best option.