My students are in 9-12 ESE self-contained classroom. When we go to specials they do not want to stay in a group. I do not want to put them in a line like they are in elementary, but I do not think it acceptable for them to be so spread out and where I can't see them. How do I address this?
I like this solution because you reward students who are modeling good behavior and procedure and other students will likely follow.
I think this would be the best solution.
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It is true that ESE students tend to dislike change, and would like stability.
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I believe a buddy system would work for this problem. By putting students into a position where they are mutually responsible for each other, you are providing them with a check against unwanted behaviors. This would also make it easier to keep an eye on the group, as watching pairs means less focus on individuals.
I agree with this solution.
I agree with this solution.
I agree with this solution.
This could be very beneficial, if you reinforce that classroom expectations and rewards are still applicable to hallways, transitioning, and other areas. Students like to have incentive.
I agree with this solution.
Class reward systems are really effective in motivating students to follow procedures.
I agree with this solution.
Explaining why they need to be in your vision is a good first step.
Good way to acknowledge the students and their needs.
I agree with this solution.
They are indeed not children and should not be treated as such. However, they do need accommodations.