
I am currently an intern and I have been to a few schools where the some of the coaches and male teachers flirt with me. What should I do?

Solution #1
Top Solution
This is an uncomfortable situation to be in, I would distance myself from those teachers and coaches. If they seek you out I would explain to them that the behavior is not appropriate and needs the interactions need to be on a professional level only. If the behavior continues I would notify administration that this is occurring and the behavior is making you uncomfortable and you have asked them to stop and they have not.

I think that this solution is helpful to avoid awkward situations.

I think this solution would be the most helpful

I think this would be the best thing to do.

Solution #2
Top Solution
This unacceptable, and should be addressed immediately. You should not feel uncomfortable in an environment where you are all suppose to be professional and working, as well as working around children. I would personally try talking to either the teacher you are interning with, or if you are not interning with a cooperating teacher or they are apart of the problem, you should go to the principle or your university supervisor (if you're interning with a university). I would personally, if this were me in the situation, also try talking to those who are flirting and making me uncomfortable. I know sometimes flirting can be difficult to identify if it's not straight forward, a lot of people can mistake being polite with flirting. So, I think it would help to make those suspected of it alert of how you feel, that way they can acknowledge the situation and avoid making you uncomfortable again. If they refuse or react negatively, definitely move on to what I mentioned in the beginning and go straight to someone in charge.

This type of professional workplace should be kept professional which is why I completely agree.

This is the best solution. The workplace must be kept professional.

I like distinguished flirting and simply being kind.

Solution #3
Don't tolerate the behavior and let your CT and instructor know about it. You should never be uncomfortable in your work place.
Solution #4
This is a very uncomfortable situation, especially as an intern because this is a work place and could possibly be your future workplace. I would find another teacher that you feel comfortable talking to and speak with them about it. You could also speak with the vice principal or principal and see if there is a form you could fill out or just file a complaint.
Solution #5
That can definitely be uncomfortable and dangerous situation to find yourself in. As an intern, and even as a teacher, it is important to have appropriate relationships with the people you work with. Interns have the support from their CT and university supervisor so I would suggest going to one or both of those people about these interactions and get advice and support from them.
Solution #6
I would bring this up to your cooperating teacher and with your university supervisor. The actions of these teachers are unprofessional and unacceptable. They need to be addressed so it does not happen to others.
Solution #7
Confront it head on and set serious boundaries
Solution #8
I used to work retail in an old beach town where there were always creepy old men flirting. I found the best deterrence is a ring. Just get a fake, cute, cheap ring and flash it off a little bit. The kicker? If they ask who gave you the ring, say your girlfriend proposed to you. They stopped after that ;)
Solution #9
I would distance myself from the teachers as best as you can. If the behavior persists and you have told them it makes you uncomfortable, then I would get admin involved just to be safe.
Solution #10
That's honestly inappropriate of them and if it really makes you uncomfortable I would confide in a trusted female teacher and bring it up to administration to see what they can do about it.
Solution #11
Flirtation is a perspective that can be misunderstood. If a teacher is talkative or over welcoming, this is can be misinterpreted. If you feel they are flirting then talk to teachers who know them. If they confirm the behavior as abnormal then let them know how you feel. If they are defined as the schools welcoming committee, then enjoy the show.
Solution #12
Call them out on it. Tell them it isn't appreciated and will not be tolerated. If it continues, let the administration know. Also, tell your university supervisor.
Solution #13
That is a very uncomfortable situation. I would keep my distance from those teachers. I would also discuss this with my Cooperating Teacher and get their opinion. I would then avoid and ignore those advances from the flirtatious teachers.