In my 6th grade class, I have a female student who has Autism. She is very hands on, meaning she likes touching other students. This makes the other students very uncomfortable. I have talked to her one on one and explained about "personal space" and that it even though she may feel she is being nice and friendly, that the other students feel different. She continues to do it. I have contacted administration who advised me to write a discipline when she does it. The problem is her mother works in the school and when she finds out that her daughter was written up, she contacts the principal who then throw out the discipline so their never are any consequences. How do I make this student aware that this is inappropriate and to get her to stop?
I agree. Working with the student and the parents is the best way to find a solution, particularly when the mother continues to be disruptive in the discipline process. You cannot do your job if the student cannot be corrected on inappropriate behavior.
I like this idea. Giving the student different options is the best way to go.
I dont think that isolating the student would benefit anyone. I think that it would agitate the student and their parents.