Wads of wet paper!?!

There is a issue of students wadding up wet paper towels and throwing them onto the ceiling. The principal has removed the paper towels and replaced them with air dryers, however, now the student(s) are using toilet paper. You suspect that it could be one of your more difficult students, but have no proof other than the smirking and laughing when they return from using the restroom. How would you handle the situation to prove/disprove your theory?

Solution #1
Bathroom logs are the best for figuring out who is responsible for trashing bathrooms. My CT alwasy had a white dry erase board by the bathroom. The students would have to write their name and then put a object on their desk to notify the students that someone is in the bathroom. After the student comes out of the bathroom they put a check mark by their name to let everyone know they have used the bathroom and then remove the object from their desk so the students know they are out. The reason they have the student check their name is because sometimes more than one student will have to use the bathroom at one time. The students would then sgn up their names to know who signed up or asked for the bathroom first and so they know the order. When the next student goes into the bathroom, if they notice pee on the seat or something in the bathroom that someone did not clean up after themselves, then the teacher looks on the list. The last person in the bathroom would have to go back in their and clean it up.

I would use this solution. I think the object and checklist is a great way to solve this problem without pointing fingers.

I think this is a good solution.

Solution #2
I had a similar situation occur in a classroom I assist in; as a solution, the teacher created a bathroom log, and students had to sign-in in order to use the restroom. The expectation was also set that students were act as bathroom monitors, and should they notice paper, or any other undesirable bathroom behavior, to let the teacher know prior to using restroom.

I like this solution, also maybe not allowing students to go in pairs. They may feed off of each other in these acts.

Solution #3
You could consider creating a sign-in/sign-out sheet for the bathroom if you find that appropriate, it would require you to check-in on the bathroom more often but you would be able to tell who did it.
Solution #4
I would think this would be more of an administration's issue to solve than yours. Of course if you have proof that it is your student at some point, let the administrator know. Otherwise, let them handle it!
Solution #5
Other than the bathroom log, I would pull the student who was smirking aside and ask them if they knew who was doing that to the bathroom. If he said I don't know I would ask him one more time, and let him know that If I found out he's not telling the truth he will be getting in trouble.

I do not agree with this solution. I would handle this a different way without pointing fingers.