Bullying in the classroom

During my internship, I have noticed that one student in my 4th grade classroom is getting picked on regularly. My CT has addressed this with the class multiple times but the bullying still continues. I have also stepped in and explained to the student that their comments say more about them then they do about him. He has tried ignoring them, sticking up for himself etc., but these kids are relentless! The administration has been contacted and these specific students have received consequences for their comments but no change has availed. What steps should be taken now?

Solution #1
Is it the entire class bullying the one student or a few students? You can try separating the bully or bullies from the victim. If you can not, have a anti-bully presentation to the entire class and let the students know that your classroom is an anti-bully classroom and it will not be tolerated. Give them consequences if it occurs. If it continues and this one student still feels threatened, you can contact the parents and administrator about possibly moving the student to another classroom. This student may even want to move.

I agree that there must be steps taken to separate the bullies from their victim. If the problem persists, moving the student to a new classroom may be prudent. However, I would also like to add that the victim should be offered appropriate support for dealing with the effects no matter what. Bullying can stick with you, and it is important to prevent students from internalizing and carrying the negative consequences for the rest of their lives.

I think simply separating them is not a great solution. The bullies have to realize what they are doing is unacceptable. There needs to be consequences for their behavior.

Solution #2
It sounds like your cooperating teacher, yourself, administration, and the student himself has tried nearly everything. Have the families been contacted? Sometimes the only way to achieve discipline in the classroom is to receive extra support from parents and family members at home. I would suggest, at this point, to try to seek any additional supports from other adults. This includes not only family members at home, but behavior specialists at school. I would look into creating a behavioral plan for these students, working closely with your CT and the behavioral specialist. If it becomes too much, you could have your CT suggest to administration to move the student to a different class. That could be a final solution if nothing else works. It is possible, I have seen that done in my internships.

I agree that this is the best solution and the caregivers should be contacted if they have not already.

This seems like a very well thought out and well use of school resources to solve this problem I wouldn't have thought about a behavior plan.

Solution #3
No bullying is okay ever. Maybe play youtube videos to the whole class on bullying so they are more aware.

Videos could be a good next step along with contacting the parents.

Solution #4
I believe that these children who are bullying need to be taken out of the classroom and talked to by teachers, administrators, and parents. This is never something that should be taken lightly.
Solution #5
I hold talk with the administrator and have a meeting with the parents
Solution #6
A call home to parents should be done immediately and possibly even a face to face conference with the students bullying their parents and the student being bullied. In a classroom I was in if any student said something mean to another student they would have to call that students parents and tell them what they had said. This stopped that bullying issue immediately and hit the nail on the head as students are quick to be big and bad at school in the classroom but feel afraid when parents or adults are involved. Bullying Is not something to be taken lightly in anyway and this is an issue that needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
Solution #7
I have a similar situation in a 5th grade class. The student who is bullied often has bad hygiene and lives in circumstances beyond her control that only contribute to the issue. I think that students need a lesson in how not everyone's life is the same. Not everyone is afforded the same privileges. They also need to understand to have compassion and tolerance their peers. I think in a community where there are less privileged students, especially in a title one school. Maybe we as teachers need to implement more teachings on diversity and not just diversity about cultures but diversity of the under and more privileged as well. There has to be a way for students to have more compassion and tolerance for one another.
Solution #8
I would show some current video clips or movies that they can relate to and maybe have someone come in, a good emotional speaker to relay to the class what they are doing is wrong. I would also separate the victim and the bullies in the classroom. I would also strip the bullies of any form of rewards.
Solution #9
Express to your students that your classroom is an anti-bullying zone and all students should be respected. Maybe pull the bullies aside and try to understand why they are bullying someone. Maybe there is something going on in their home lives. Talk to their parents. If it persists, the bullies or victim may need to be moved to another class.
Solution #10
Your try to stand up for him when the students are picking on him. The other students would see that you have his back.
Solution #11
It might just be better for the student being bullied to be transferred to another class where the bullies cannot bully him. Since consequences are not stopping these bullies.