Our class rules state that students must raise their hands before answering or speaking in class. I have an ESE student that is very intelligent and likes to answer all of the questions, but is constantly calling out before other students have a chance to raise their hands. I have tried reminding him of the classroom expectations, but the issue still remains. What should I do?
I agree, using a reward system can be very effective and will help the student understand that positive behavior has positive consequences.
I am working on a behavior management plan for a student with a similar habit. For him, I created a behavior contract so he know what is expected of him. He has specific goals, consequences, and rewards. It is easy to implement alongside a current classroom management plan. What is a positive incentive you could use as a reward for good behavior? What does your student like? My student likes video games so he is working toward free time to play on the PlayStation 2. His goal for this week is three or less call-outs for the day. I am working to increase the expectations and decrease his call-outs for each goal. You can use a tally/sticker chart to track the number of call-outs and the number of days with goals met.
Popsicle sticks are a great idea. This allows every student the same chance to answer. 10/10
Providing additional stimulation is not a bad idea, particularly since it would allow the student to have something to do to show they know the answer. It is also not disruptive to other students, and should allow the student to understand that calling out is not an acceptable behavior.