One day during my internship I was asked to assist a student with an independent math assignment. This student is not on an IEP or a 504 but I think he really needs one. As he completed his work he needed subtle reminders to show his work, write a little neater, and to label. I would look at his answers and they were correct, they were just a little messy. I could see his wheels turning and I knew he knew what to do and how to do it, he just had a hard time putting it on paper. I would ask him to tell me how he got the answer, it was usually a great strategy and showed me he knew what he was doing so I would tell him to write that down to make it evident for grading. My CT said his score on this assignment was pretty high and did not match what he usually accomplishes. I think he needs additional help and guidance and should be on an IEP or 504 but I don't think any action is being taken to do this. This boy is smart but he is often thrown to the wayside because he is a small behavior problem. I hate witnessing this and I wish he was given a fair chance.
Calling attention to the problem with the CT is a good solution. If they are not going to make the call on their own, it may be up to you to act in the best interest of the student and push for an intervention.