I teach in a class where students have me for a Reading, Writing, and Civics teacher and my colleague for Math and Science. We have a student who is very disruptive in class and often talks about things that are not on topic. Our class sits in groups of four, some groups have five; he is the fifth student in a group. Not only is my colleague getting upset with his behaviors, his classmates are, too. I have tried proximity, eye contact, and reminding the student that he is not on topic to discourage his negative comments, but he persist.
Do you have any suggestions in dealing with him? My colleague wants to move him to a self-contained ESE classroom because he is too disruptive. He has a 504 plan, but his parents deny he has any issues. I am trying to combat this for the sake of the child, while maintaining a positive learning environment for all.
I agree with your solution.