Pants Hang Low

I am in a classroom now and we are having an issue with one of our students not wearing pants that fit. His pants are to large and he has to walk around holding up his pants. His teacher has asked him where his belt is and he says that he left it at home or he can not find it. We have sent him to the office to see what they can do and they say that his mother says that she will handle it. Students are now beginning to make fun and I am not sure what to do at this point?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I would bring a belt to school for the student. I would speak to him privately to remind him of the school rules on clothing and tell him to put the belt on his waist. I would not assume that the student is doing it on purpose because it could be a situation where the family does not have the money to buy clothes for the student and he has to wear hand-me-downs and doesn't own a belt. The student can either wear the belt for the day or keep it indefinitely.

I think your solution and comment is great. We cannot assume that the child is doing this on purpose (not saying they aren't). They may very well though have financial issues, hopefully the teacher could buy a belt for the child and it would fix the problem. If it did continue to happen even after a belt was given to the child then they are most likely doing it on purpose.

This is a good suggestion, because you never know the circumstances of the student, it is important to talk to the student about the situation.

It is always a good idea to reinforce expectations.

Solution #2
I think that you should talk to the parents again, just to reinforce that there is an issue. If this does not fix the problem, talk with the social worker for the school and see if there is a reason they are not able to provide the belt for the child. In the mean time, see if you can provide one for the student so that the other students do not continue to make fun of him.

I agree with this solution. Provide a belt and contact the parents to inquire about the issue.

Solution #3
I would buy the student a belt or find pants that fit with the parent consent.

I would use this solution. You never know the student might not be able to afford a belt.

Solution #4
I think you are going to need to speak with the parents again and explain the school dress code and also the negative impact that it is having on the student. I would also get a belt just in case the parents don't take the situation seriously or the student is purposely not wearing his belt.
Solution #5
When I was in middle school, our policy due to the sagging pants mandated that all boys must tuck in their shirts. Those who didn't have a belt were to wear a string around that securely held the pants in place. This should be implemented towards schools that have issues with sagging pants.
Solution #6
I am in a school now to and this is one of the issues we are having now in our classroom what he have the students do is have them pull up their pants before they sit and have them in a side aisle near the back to keep the other students from laughing. I would also try and talk with his mother on what is going on with this situation and let the mother know what is going on in the classroom because of the situation.
Solution #7
I would definitely contact the student's parents. Sending him to the office might not be enough to get the message across. I would make sure the parents know that the student's pants do not fit and that he needs to wear a belt if he cannot get smaller pants. I would not blame the parents or the student, but I'd want to make sure they know I want to prevent the student from being taunted about his clothes.

I do not agree because you do not know what financial situation the student is living in. Maybe they are his dads pants and they can not afford anything else. Investigate the issue.

This is a good suggestion, I agree that it is important to contact the parents.