Disrespectful students

In my internship class my cooperating teacher does not have many rules. The students are very disrespectful, always talking back. She threatens the students she will call home but most of the time she dosent follow through. How can you politely suggest harsher punishment for students who constantly talk back?

Solution #1
I would approach your cooperating teacher from the standpoint of a student learning about classroom management. I would vocalize that you've observed consistent misbehavior, and that you want to understand how this teacher is approaching classroom management. It doesn't have to be an insult, it can be an inquiry that leads to a conversation about potential new strategies.
Solution #2
Talk with your CT and try to come up with a plan together. The fact that she says that she will call home and does not follow through shows the students that she is a push over and that they can get away with anything. Come up with a system and consequences for each type of behavior. This way there will be better classroom management.
Solution #3
rules should be discussed and reminded through the year if they have been forgotten rules needs to be follow all the time consequences should be applied all the time if a call to the parent was the consequence, they should be contact a the end of the class teachers need to remember that children need rules in order to function.
Solution #4
Definitely encourage her to follow through! Once students catch on that the teacher's threats are empty, they will no longer care about being disrespectful because they know they won't get in trouble. Following through is the best solution for her sake!
Solution #5
Having a casual chat about student behavior might be a good way to transition into providing her with some ideas of how to handle certain behaviors.

The CT might listen if you had a chat with her.

It could also be useful in determining why she doesn't follow through. Talking with the CT in a non-confrontational manner would be the best solution without running the risk of coming off as dismissive or rude.

Solution #6
For disrespectful students I would talk to the teacher about establishing some classroom rules and implementing them immediately. Tell the teacher to redefine her expectations of her students. Students respond better to structured classroom instruction.

I would talk to her about it. Try to understand why she doesn't follow up and have many rules and then add your what you think and why.

Solution #7
This depends on which internship you are in-- I am in my second internship and we have been required to devise a classroom management plan to implement. This involves the steps to parent communication as well as administration intervention. Maybe you could ask if you could play around with classroom management strategies and create your own classroom management plan as an experimental value?
Solution #8
I would encourage her to follow through. Have a causal conversation and respectfully ask her why she does not follow through on her words. Remind her that she is the boss and she has the power to make a change.
Solution #9
I would have a conversation with the CT and tell her to follow through with the punishments. The students wil continue if they feel there is no consequence for their actions.
Solution #10
Some of my students struggle with respect cause they are close to my age. But I shut down disrespect right then and there to prevent it from happening.
Solution #11
I would start by asking the teachers how the parents react when she does call them. This may help the teacher to realize she is not following through and at the same time, setting a bad example to the intern. I would ask the teacher many questions to help my understanding as well as hers. Some questions I may ask would be; what are some things you have done in the past to insure a safe class with minimal disruptions? What are some things you would like to do to implement to help with classroom management but have decided not to for whatever reason? Is it easier or harder to ensure classroom management with each changing year? Next, I would just keep quiet and see if the teacher does anything to change. Overall, I will take what I learned and remember it when running my own classroom.
Solution #12
You could talk to your CT and tell her that you feel the students are disrespecting you. Implement your own rules. Find a video to show students that they will actually like (a celebrity or athlete) on kindness or being respectful. You could also implement a behavior system.
Solution #13
You could always offer to call with her. Tell her that you need the experience of talking to parents. It will hold her accountable for calling while also giving you the opportunity to participate in the process.
Solution #14
I would discuss this matter with the cooperating teacher coming from a place of learning and development on your part. I would present hypothetical situations and ask her advise as to how she would address the situation.
Solution #15
If you feel uncomfortable speaking with the CT, you can say that you need to help with classroom management for school via an assignment or something like that. You and the CT can sit down together and come up with ideas to get the class under control.
Solution #16
Unfortunately, as an intern you don't have much of a say in how the classroom teacher manages the behaviors in the classroom. I would express my concerns to the teacher and express that it is hard for you to teach when students behaviors are not being managed.