Sleeping students

During my internship class my cooperating teacher lets students sleep during class. The students walk into class and put their heads down and sleep the whole time. She dosent try to wake them up. What can you do as an intern to make the students stay awake during class?

Solution #1
I would talk to the teacher and see if there was a reason that she let the students sleep. If it was for a negative reason I would try to alert someone to the situation and also try to get the children more engaged in the lesson
Solution #2
I think talking to the teacher is and asking her why the students are sleeping in class is a good idea as suggested. To put different perspective on it though, I would say asking the teacher in way that shows concern for the student. Sometimes when a student is sleeping in class it is not out of disrespect or lack of interest in the classroom activities. It could be a sign that something troubling is happening in the students home life or social life. There could be something that is troubling the student. It might be helpful to bring that to the teachers attention or if the teacher already knows, maybe she could fill you in so you can gain a better understanding of why this is happening. Maybe you could reach out to the student and actively include them so they feel less compelled to sleep and want to participate more.
Solution #3
There might be specific reasons these students are allowed to sleep. It might also be dependent on the time of day or lesson. I would have a conversation with your cooperating teacher.
Solution #4
Try interactive engaging activities. Sometimes students just need a quick jolt to wake them. Like having every student stand up and pass around a ball saying what they learned that class or what they did this weekend. Speak with your CT about ways to get them to stop sleeping. My teachers used to have us stand for a little or drink some water to keep us awake.
Solution #5
I think you should talk to your CT about why she allows them to sleep. After that, I would try to work with her to create more entertaining lesson plans. Your CT might not be able to keep her students attention for long periods of time. Giving her suggestions on how to spice up the lesson might help her keep these students awake.
Solution #6
As an intern, I would ask if the teacher is there another assignment or activity you could do instead of having the students sleep. That way, when the students walk in, they have an alternative to just sleeping effective class time away when they could be learning.
Solution #7
I have students who do this also, and my CT does nothing about it. I asked and she said that she can't force them to participate. I truly think it's because the class is boring. My advice would be to make your lessons more ending. I know that you have no control over your CT's lessons, but if you can create lessons that and fun or exciting, students will want to participate.
Solution #8
I'm not sure why the teacher allows it. Maybe try talking to the teacher and explain that you are looking out for his best interest and that he is missing instructional time by sleeping.
Solution #9
I have this issue as well with my students. So when I notice my students all fading I make them stand up and we get active.
Solution #10
I would start by talking to the teacher and see what the reason is. I would casually remind the teacher that a sleeping student is not learning the material to become a well educated adult. In the end it is the student who will suffer. So a conversation might need to happen with the student too. If this does not help I would let administration know so they can handle the situation from there.
Solution #11
I would ask why the teacher allows the students to sleep, if there's a good reason.
Solution #12
If the teacher allows this, I'm not sure there is much you can do. You can ask her why she allows them to sleep or you can take charge and tap each student and remind them to stay awake during class.
Solution #13
As the intern, you can try to engage with the student one on one, to see if they need extra assistance during class. Also, you can inquire if the CT has reached out to their parents or guardians to see if their is anything personally going on at home.
Solution #14
Communicate with the teacher and discuss her reasoning. If you have any input, express what you think.
Solution #15
i would find ways to help the teacher make class more interactive and exciting
Solution #16
As an intern there is only so much you can do. I would ask the teacher why she lets them do that and respect her decision. I wouldn't try to intervene but I would hype up my lessons in advance and make sure they are worth the hype. Provide some kind of incentive for staying awake. Make them think "I'm going to want to stay awake during class today." But it is possible that the student is staying up late, not eating right, or they have health issues. So it might be best to just let them sleep.
Solution #17
There maybe a reason for this. I would definitely speak with the teach inquiring about the situation. While you are teaching try to make your lesson engaging with collaborative activities moving around the room if possible to keep students awake during learning. Find what their interests are and try to tie that into your lesson to hook them into learning.
Solution #18
This is a tough situation, but definitely talk to the teacher on why she lets them sleep. Then, you can talk to her about possible solutions.
Solution #19
There could be a reason that the teacher lets the student sleep. Ask and figure out the reason. If there really isn’t a reason you can go to the student and ask if there anything you can do to make class more interesting.
Solution #20
Unfortunately school classes are not for sleeping. A talk with the cooperative teacher might give you the reason why she allows them to sleep. A plan should be created for them to keep them awake or wake them up if they fall asleep. It can be because they are not sleeping well during the night because they are connected to social media. Talk to the students individually to find out the reasons why this is happening and involve parents is they are not having enough sleep during the night. I do not think that they sleep during other classes, they sleep in this particular one because the teacher is o.k. with it.
Solution #21
I think that the you should talk to the students and have them understand that sleeping is something that is for at home, and that class time is for learning and staying awake.
Solution #22
I would ask them why they are doing that first. It could be there is some circumstance like a medical condition or bad home environment that is resulting in that gray area.
Solution #23
make majority of your activities group work and have it been very hands on.
Solution #24
I would first off take away all their distractions. Take their backpacks, phones and only give them their materials needed. Next, give them a short, attainable task that they are held accountable for. A ticket out the door is a great idea because it is an immediate grade. Encourage them to do their best and if the sleeping continues, email the parents and let them know he may need more sleep at home.
Solution #25
I do not understand why a teacher would allow this. Maybe talk with the teacher directly and ask if there is a specific reason she allows this to happen. Is this only with one student? Does this student have a troubled home life and they have an agreement in place that he can sleep in her class? I would ask her for these answers.
Solution #26
If I were in this situation, I would first ask the teacher about if to see if there is a reason the student is sleeping, then if nothing get accomplished from that I would go to the principle and express your concerns and go from there.
Solution #27
I have been there, and let me tell you that there is not much you can do as a teacher. The teacher probably did try keep them awake, but gave up at one point or another. I would try to make the class more engaging and loud to see if they will participate.
Solution #28
Is the teacher teaching a lesson while the students are sleeping? If so that is not right for the students to be allowed to sleep while the class is in session. Students are missing information about the lesson being taught. Ask your CT is there is a reason why the students are sleeping in class before you do anything.
Solution #29
Providing interesting and collaborative lessons will make students become more involved. My CT also plays music when classmates are in groups which can keep the atmosphere busier, rather than quiet.
Solution #30
After talking to your CT and figuring out why she allows the child to sleep, you should take it upon yourself to try to get this child engaged. If you go over and sit beside them when they get to class and begin to talk to them, you may be able to break the cycle of them coming into class and going to sleep. If you were able to successfully get them engaged in the lesson by simply sitting beside them, they will benefit greatly.
Solution #31
As everyone agrees, there is not enough information to determine why she is letting her student's sleep. However, talking to her about what you are allowed to do to make them stay away would be advisable before making decisions on how you are going to handle it. If it is because she just gave up on them, then it is one thing. I have heard stories of students being allowed to sleep for a certain amount of time because they don't get enough sleep at home for valid reasons. I think knowing is half the battle here.
Solution #32
I'll make something new in the classes, give them some joke, and I'll tell them (students) there is a test like some question just to review the material in the last my class time I think they will stay awake
Solution #33
I think the reason for the students sleeping all depends on the time of day, day of the week and home life. I would confront the teacher and ask why he or she allows the students to sleep. I would also confront the students about why they fall asleep. I would maybe suggest greeting the students in a high energy way or start the class with stretching, or an engaging activity, or a fun recap of last class. If the students are still falling asleep I would have them sit closer to a teacher and you could occasionally tap them or make noise to wake them up.
Solution #34
I would maybe start by having a conversation with your CT about why these students are sleeping in her class. Sometimes the battle is too much to deal with (that sounds horrible), and the teacher has already fought the battle too many times. There may have been an array of conversations had with the student, parents, and administration in the past prior to your arrival in her classroom. I think finding the root and reason for her ignorance toward the behavior would be a first step.