Using CDN in the interview?

Your hopefully future employer will have a copy of your CDN I'm sure. Would it be a good idea to bring in your best works from the CDN to highlight different things you have learned?

Solution #1
Of course, take the initiate to bring in other work that you learned. The best teacher is one who enjoys ad grow from their learning as well. Your CDN is your work that you have collected while in school, but if you have learned to improve on hands on work such as volunteering, field experience, final internship they would like to know.

that is a great idea

Good advice.

Solution #2
I would not assume that the school in which you're interviewing with will access your CDN. If this is showing you'd like to showcase, I'd be sure to include a link to where they could access your portfolio, and would definitely bring in major projects completed in your course of study to leave behind as a reflection of your teaching approach.