Time taken away

My CT and I are trying to figure out things for students to do when they have time taken away (from recess or fun Friday). We have them work on assignments they have not finished, but they finish them quickly because they think they can leave after. We do not want to make them read or do other types of work because we want them to love reading and enjoy doing their work, but we have no other ideas. HELP!!!

Solution #1
Reading should never be a punishment, I agree! I think this scenario is dependent on the grade. I think I would create a packet of assignments for the student to complete at this time. You could also have them organize the student library, sharpen the pencils, etc. I personally don't feel taking recess away is a great method. I understand taking away Fun Friday, but recess is a chance to get the wiggles out for kids (also dependent on the grade). Students don't receive enough exercise during the day and recess is a great way for them to receive this. However, I understand you are an intern and this isn't your classroom. SO with that being said, I would definitely encourage the packet, pencil duty, organizing the classroom library, or even asking other teachers ahead of time if there is anything the student can do for them.

like this solution, as it doesn't make reading a punishment

Solution #2
Wow, okay I completely agree reading should never be a punishment, Maybe you could have the students do other task that would help both you the teacher and the also help the student. Like maybe organizing, or helping others.

i like this solution, as it doesn't make reading a punishment

Solution #3
Personally, I would have additional work to the side for the students like a packet. Possibly help clean up around the classroom. Personally, I feel that helping out other teachers and such is not a punishment because that is what I use to choose for my fun Fridays. Definitely would not suggest reading since you do want kids to love reading.

I think it is a good idea to have other work for students to do or they could also help others.

Solution #4
I think you should organize the classroom where they are helping you but also learning a lot. I hated reading when I was younger, but now I love it because of teachers that helped me love it. I feel if you give them tasks to help you and then your problem will be solved.
Solution #5
Extra assignments are the way to go. If you know ahead of time who will be sitting out during those times, I would plan assignments that focus on the skills that they have deficits in. Take it as a time to give them a little extra practice where they need it. If they are a child who is not having any problems, they can be provided with an extension assignment to further their understanding of the information being covered.
Solution #6
I think doing a little review of previous lessons might be helpful. You could also start covering some basic concepts for the next lesson so that your students are prepared. I feel like the fact that they're inside is enough to realize the punishment so classwork, extra questions, etc. I agree that reading shouldn't be used a punishment but you might as well use the extra time to learn.
Solution #7
I would have the students assist you with a project. This could be helping around the classroom, ripping out worksheets for homework, tidying book bins, and work stations etc. I would have them participate in bettering their environment and for themselves and their fellow classmates.
Solution #8
Since this is a punishment, I think that the student should have to write a little paper on a subject that brings out their creativity and that will be enjoyable. That way it is not, write a paper on how you are wrong. It is, here is a creative project that you can do that will help you better use your time and grow your mind. Even making a collage of the things you enjoy and cleaning it up is enjoyable, but still work.
Solution #9
I would have extra assignments for when they are done with their first assignment. Continue to have them doing things like math problems or vocabulary words.
Solution #10
Doing school work should not be the punishment. Tell them how much time was taken away and have them finish their assignments and with any left over times they could walk laps.
Solution #11
To keep kids engaged and still learning even when they are "sitting out" I would have them be a classroom helper. Have them wipe desks or assist with things the teacher may need, so they still feel they are needed are not doing "busy work." Have a list of things that need to be done and use that as an advantage to get daily tasks taken care of.
Solution #12
While this is dependent on the age group, a possible solution for this problem would be having them design either a project or assignment based on the lessons taught in class. This allows them to explore the material more fully, and allows you to see other assignments students might be interested in pursuing in the future. It would potentially fill a decent amount of time, as it is not a traditional assignment for students to teach.
Solution #13
Sounds like this is the best course of action because taking away their recess should encourage them to get their work done ahead of time so they can participate.
Solution #14
I would not take away recess time just fun Friday. I would make the students reflect on what went wrong that week where they had something nice taken away.
Solution #15
If the student is being punished by having time taken away, there should not be a fun activity for them to complete. They can just sit like detention.