Schooling & African Americans

I believe that this power point gave me a better understanding on schooling and African Americans. According to Samuel Chapman Armstrong, “race was the key to understanding, morality, industry, thrift, responsibility, ambition, and the overall social worth of human.” (Senese, Tozer, 2013). Armstrong’s racial view was the beginning of justice for African Americans. I felt that although Armstrong was a strong advocate for African Americans he still managed to justify why it was ok to believe that blacks were inferior to whites. As a person who belives that skin color in no way defines a person, it is still shocking to me that so many people belive and still belive that your skin color determines your rights as a human.

Solution #1
I think its extremely important that you are able to recognize that prejudice and racism still exist in our society and in our schools today. I do not think someone can be an advocate for black rights and still believe that they are inferior - that makes absolutely no sense. Dealing with this in the workplace is something that will most likely be experienced. It is important to remember your values and beliefs and use those to be the best teacher possible for your students. Understanding that prejudice and racism have no place in the classroom is the mindset you should instill in yourself, your students, and your colleagues.

I would use this approach

I love this way of thinking. I think it would be foolish to expect that racism and prejudice does not exist today. A lot of people of color do not want you to "not see color" because it has the possibility to ignore all the hardships and struggles they go through just because of their skin color. I think including books and posters of prominent people of color would also be a great way to showcase diverse people in the classroom.

Solution #2
Agreed, being in the classroom and dealing with racism can be difficult, but allowing yourself to stick to your beliefs and constantly informing your students that race do not play a role in our classroom is super important. Backing up your words is also important, such as using posters or lessons which include all races.