
On Mrs. Linds class a group of students were caught whispering negative and derogatory things about a new student. The group pf students was confronted by they neglected doing so. Mrs. Linds was convinced of what she heard. Another student who sits nearby overheard the whispers and told Mrs. Linds but also expressed being scared to confess in front of them because of possible bullying.
What could Mrs. Linds do in this case?

Solution #1
Top Solution
The first thing I would do is figure out who the Ringleader of the group is. Typically, in these situations there are a few negative people and others are following the behavior to be "cool" and to feel accepted. I would talk to the few persons that I believe are speaking negative and derogatory things about one of my students individually. First, I would warn about the behavior and ask for it not to continue and let them know the consequences if it does. If there behavior persists, I would start with a consequence that was focused on compassion or anti-bullying, more than likely a paper depending on the age. Most schools have an anti-bullying policy so there is a very good chance the administration would have some particular rules that I could follow as well.

If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.

Great suggestion!

Solution #2
Mrs. Linds should pull each participant one-on-one to get to the bottom of why the whispering has occurred. The students should be given a warning, if this has not happened before, and warned that if it happens again consequences will take place. One the teacher talks to the participants, the leader of the group needs to be noted. The teacher needs to make note of what happened, that way there is evidence if the problem continues.
Solution #3
This teacher should address the bullying and find the main "ringleader" of the group. Bullying should never be tolerated, so in order to figure out who was the main suspect, a lunch detention or two should be given to the group. They need to understand that there will be consequences when bullying is present.
Solution #4
Mrs. Linds should pull each participant and have a one-on-one. Once she uncovers what really happen the students should apologies to the student they were talking bad about. She should turn this into a teaching moment about how they would feel they were being made fun of etc., she should set an example so other student wont do it and respect each other.
Solution #5
I would identify the ringleader and I would discuss the matter privately. I would also refer to school bullying policies should the behavior continue.
Solution #6
I would address the group of students involved. I would also call the parents of the involved students, and let them know that the behavior cannot continue. Finally, I would run a class building activity to try and start to bring our class back together.
Solution #7
I would remind the student of the school rules and then I would also pull apart the group and talk to them privately.
Solution #8
A restorative circle to confront all students about bullying and to remind them that this is safe, respectful, and kind classroom environment will act as a non-confrontational way of reminding students of the expectation. Also, remind students of the consequences of doing so. If the student is scared to confess in front of them, the teacher can pull this student one-on-one when other students aren't around to discuss what was heard.
Solution #9
Break up that group students immediately. Bullying is nothing to be taken lightly in anyway and is not appropriate. Talk to those students one on one and address that they will no longer be allowed to work together and notify parents as parents usually have no idea their child is being a bully. Let students know that there are and will be firm consequences if it takes place again and that there is no reason to pick on others or to be rude. Instead have them write compliments to the new student.
Solution #10
At the beginning of the year, the teacher should set clear expectations of their students. The classroom is a positive and safe place for them. They should know that only encouraging words should be said to one another. Because this issue is happening, the teacher can talk to the students and make sure they know that their behavior is not appropriate or tolerated. Explain that they have to be uplifting to one another.
Solution #11
I would identify all the students and give them lunch detention after conferencing with them individually. Bullying will not be tolerated and I would involve the parents and administration very quickly to problem solve.
Solution #12
I would send everyone involved to the counselor. If the teacher suspects bullying, I would narrow down close to what was said and then for the safety of the new student, document it and have them all talk to a counselor about how bullying is hurtful. Give consequences for whispering if you suspect its negative. Also, try moving the students away from each other so they are not tempted to talk to each other.
Solution #13
The teacher needs to make note of what happened, that way there is evidence if the problem continues.

I would not do this. This is wrong.

This is a start, but more needs to be done to address the issue.