After you return from a class field trip, a parent who was a chaperon approaches you and comments how much they enjoyed the field trip. At the end of the conversation they ask you to "friend" them on Facebook. You explain to them that it is unprofessional to be Facebook friends with a parent of a student. The parent shrugs off the comment. The following day they approach you about why you have yet to "friend" them on Facebook. How do you deal with the situation?
I think this would be the best approach.
Excellent suggestion!
Being polite is definitely the key to this situation. Some parents can get offended by the teacher saying no, but it isn't professional and does cross a line.
I think telling them politely its inappropriate is the right way to handle the situation.
Talking to the parent again about the rules is a great suggestion- let them know that there will be consequences. Great suggestion.
I would inform the parents that administration is against being on social media with parents. Also, it is not beneficial for the student and quite frankly is unprofessional.
I think stating it is not allowed by administration is a great idea.
Excellent suggestion!
Excellent suggestion!
Excellent suggestion!
Excellent suggestion!
Excellent suggestion!
Excellent suggestion!
i would explain to the parent its unprofessional to have a parent as a facebook friend without knowing them before hand
I agree with you on this. I think it is alright to have them as a friend on Facebook. However, I am very careful to not post anything that could be taken out of context or that could make me look bad. I am also careful in choosing which parents I am friends with. I also have a grade level page for the school that I teach at. This is where we as a grade level post pictures of our students. All parents are welcome to join this page to keep up with what their children are doing in class.
I think this is a great idea. I don't see any harm in the teacher/parents interacting on Facebook.
I disagree with this solution. You should not have communication with a parent through any personal media sites. There is absolutely no reason that facebook should be used as a form of communication. I personally changed my profile name so I could not be found by parents.
I like the idea for a professional Facebook. Facebook is an easy way busy parents can communicate with teachers.
Excellent suggestion!
I don't think being Facebook friends with parents can ever be professional. It could maybe create conflict between the student and the parent because what student wants their parents to be friends with their teachers?
I would not have parents be my Facebook friends, I wouldn't mix personal and professional together. I would have a class website for all parents.