After coming up to the board to complete a sample problem, a student in your middle school algebra class becomes frustrated when she cannot solve the problem. In her frustration she remarks "Why do I have to learn this stuff, I'm never going to use it anyways!" After giving her several every day scenarios that require the use of algebra she is still not convinced and refuses to do her work. Now other students are complaining about the same issue and classroom participating is declining as well as student grades. How do you resolve this issue?
I really like your solution and would definitely use it.
I agree with bringing your students in will be more effective.
I get where you are coming from but I have heard a teacher say this, with a response of well "what if I don't wanna go to college". So I am not sure it would work.
I, too, see where you're coming from, but this seems really negative. Not everyone in remediation algebra classes are there because they're lazy. Sometimes they're there because they truly don't understand the concepts.