What is your teaching philosophy?

If you were asked this question during an interview: What is your teaching philosophy? How would you answer this question? Do you provide a copy of your teaching philosophy?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I would start off by stating my beliefs on teaching and steps that I must take to ensure my beliefs are met. I would also tie in the school beliefs with my beliefs and hopefully show how they match. I wouldn't provide a hard copy. Your teaching philosophy is something you should know by heart because its what you truly believe in.

I like that you would incorporate the school beliefs!

Solution #2
I would start of with stating how I believe the children are our future, how I will teach them well and allow them to lead the way, show my students how the beauty posses inside, and to always remember how it was when we were in the students position. These four main statements is helpful guide line in answering this question. There is no hard copy but you should practice answering these questions just in case it really is asked in a future interview.
Solution #3
I believe the fundamental goal of teaching is to foster learning. Learning takes place in many different circumstances and contexts. Although everyone is capable of learning, a student's desire to learn is a vital pre-condition to effectively mastering new concepts and skills. Humans have multiple learning styles: some learn best in lecture atmospheres, some are motivated by discussion, and others absorb best when they read and reflect on what they have read. The classroom setting can encourage or inhibit learning depending on the dominant learning style of each student. Accommodating different learning styles creates an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. Students take many of their learning habits from the instructor. If the instructor doesn't show interest in the subject and a passion for learning, students are less likely to put forth the effort to learn in that class. An instructor must convince students of his or her knowledge and expertise before they will show a willingness to learn.

I like how thorough you were! Good post!

Solution #4
I would discuss how I believe all students are able to succeed provided that they have the opportunity to define their own success. I like to think with the end in mind.
Solution #5
I discuss how I work to find the key that fits every student. Differentiation is huge now and no one child is alike. I discuss how my philosophy is to find the perfect key to every child to help them be the best they can be.
Solution #6
My teaching philosophy is that every student can learn, and it is my responsibility to ensure it happens. Yes, a hard copy of this philosophy is provided, as it is stated on my resume.

Great post!

Solution #7
My personal teaching philosophy is that every student has the right to an education despite their past, race, gender or religion. I would answer this verbally and provide a copy of my teaching philosophy, just to be on the safe side!
Solution #8
I would state what your philosophy as a teacher is and how you plan to implement it within your classroom. I would not provide a copy of it because it should evolve and grow just as you evolve and grow as an educator. Additionally, I think it is important to recognize that sometimes your approach will differ as each set of students are different. I would also try to incorporate how my philosophy aligns with the school's. The administrators are seeking educators that will mesh with their establishment.
Solution #9
My solution is to tell them why you chose the profession and the steps you are going to take to make every child in you classroom successful. I would also plan to have a philosophy written up to hand to the interviewer along with your resume.