Student does not do any work and disrupts class.

In my internship theirs a student that doesn't do any work and disrupts the classroom by shouting out things like "this is stupid"," boring" or mimics the teacher. CT is going nuts trying to control this student. She has called admin and they take him to the office and is given an I pad for him to play on for the rest of the day. What are good ways to calm this students down.

Solution #1
Taking him out of class is exactly what he wants, I would use postive behavior support and use a reward driven behavior management system. Also keeping an open line of sommunication with the parents would be helpful too.

I would stand closer to the student so they would be aware of my presence and then rethink their actions.

If I were in this situation, I would do exactly this.

Positive feedback is always helpful

I agree. Taking the student out of class is what they want. This is the best solution and I would do exactly this.

Solution #2
Reinforce positive behavior in the classroom, if a student is quietly engaged in the lesson reward them. The student may see this behavior being rewarded and stop interrupting and doing their work to be rewarded.

Incentives can be helpful

Solution #3
He is essentially being rewarded for his poor behavior. I would not have him taken out of the class and I would certainly not suggest giving him an iPad for the remainder of the day. This student continues to act out because he knows that behavior will grant him what he desires. Depending on the age of the student, I would take recess time away (if in Elementary school), would assign the student to be a teacher's helper for the afternoon, etcetera. Something that would give the student attention but keep him in the classroom.

I completely agree that the student is being rewarded for his bad behavior. He is being rewarded because he doesn't have to complete the task that he finds "stupid" and "boring" since he leaves the classroom and then he gets to play on an ipad. I liked your idea of giving the student the role of teacher's helper to give him the attention he wants in another way.

Solution #4
Have you or your CT tried doing an incentive system? Rewards and punishment? Also maybe try rearranging the desks in a way that is less distracting to himself and other.
Solution #5
Often time students that don't do work or cause disruptions often times aren't understanding the material. I would try to provide incentives to get the student to do the work after determining that the student is comprehending the material.
Solution #6
Sending the student out of the class is exactly what he wants. Some sort of management plan needs to be implemented to give the student incentives to do the right thing and stay on task. How this plan is developed and what it entails, depends on the needs of the student. I would need more information to offer suggestions for that.
Solution #7
This student may need more challenging work. If he is not engaged, this disruption will only increase. Additionally, this student knows that every time he acts out he gets sent to the office to play on the iPad. Therefore, he will only do it more. I would give him work that is challenging and that pushes him to think more. Then he will be more focused on the assignment. Maybe you could even give him an individual project to work on. He could research a specific topic and give a presentation to the class about it. He could pick the form of presentation, whether it be writing a song, building a diorama, or painting a picture. He could work on this in class after he finishes his other work and at home.
Solution #8
You can utilize positive behavior reinforcement. Also, if you have established a rapport with the student, you may benefit from having a discussion with the student. The student may be acting out due to issues at home.
Solution #9
Maybe show the student the purpose of the work being done and make it more engaging for them. If students do not have an adequate "because" for why they are having to do work then they will likely be unmotivated to do so! Also, give constant positive feedback for students good actions may act as a reminder of the teacher's expectations.
Solution #10
Some strategies I learned are about class room monitoring. Stand closer to the child if needed, maintain eye contact, walk the class so the student knows they are being watched. Do not give into the misbehavior. The student is looking for attention. Try to do fun creative activities that require him to be focused and gain his attention. He could be bored because he is not feeling challenged.
Solution #11
Him getting removed from the class is exactly what this student wants. He needs to be given an incentive to work towards or he needs to be given time limits where he can leave the class but must come back within a certain time.
Solution #12
Administration taking him out of class is exactly why he is acting out, because he knows he gets iPad. If I had a student like this, I would give him something more challenging, or have him work for a fidget toy. Get him to work for something he is interested in or try and get him to work with you and be your assistant.
Solution #13
He could be responding this way because he does not understand the lesson and is trying to avoid doing it. I would talk to him privately and ask him if he understand what you are teaching. If he is having trouble, he may benefit from after school tutoring. The teacher needs to explain to him that shouting out is disrespectful and is not going to get him what he wants.
Solution #14
I would allow him to go to a walk and come back when he has calmed down. Getting admin involved shows you cant handle the situation and they will continue to over step the teacher.
Solution #15
I would rearrange the student’s seating. Perhaps this would remedy the student’s behavioral problems.

I would never do this. This is wrong.

I think it depends on the student