I was in a classroom where there was a boy who most people would call obnoxious. He constantly calls out, makes fun of other students, and try to discipline other students. When trying to talk to him about what he is doing he turns it in to a joke, also the teacher had issues with the students making fun of her. When the parents have been told whats going on the dad just says " he is just being a boy, what is the big deal?" How would you handle this issue?
I really liked your solution. I think that also praising the child when doing well is important.
I liked your solution. I think using the means of sending to office etc is also a great idea. Most students don't like to be sent out of class.
Really like this solution.
I agree with your solution. Another way to help the parents see that the behavior is more that "just being a boy" is inviting them to spend time in the classroom. Last year, I had a student that acted this way and after his grandmother came to hang out for a few hours she realized that his behavior was interrupting the learning in my classroom she agreed that his behavior was unacceptable.
I agree with you. Hopefully sending them to detention and to the principles office will help the student understand that their behavior is not acceptable in the classroom, and hopefully letting the parents know that their child's behavior is serious and they should take some form of action on how to help with the situation. I would even take it a slight step further by also documenting the child's behavior so that way in a parent teacher conference it will help their parents understand why their child is being sent to detention and so on.
This is a good suggestion, it gives great steps to helping the student become better behaved.
It is always a good idea being direct with the student.
I agree with your solution. Talking to the student to make sure they are aware of their actions is a great idea.
If I were in this situation, I would do this. I think talking to him one on one would be a great solution.
I like this solution. Talking with the student one-on-one to comeup with a solution is a great idea.