Inappropriate Rapping

In my internship class, there is a high school ESE student that is constantly rapping loudly. They are rapping songs that are incredibly inappropriate. The teacher of the class just ignores them or tells them to stop but then doesn't do anything if the student continues. I feel like I should do something but I'm just not sure what.

Solution #1
Top Solution
I agree, giving the student some form of creative outlet may keep them preoccupied when they have “free time.” If the student is exhibiting this behavior during instructional time or during guided/independent practice activities I would separate the student so they do not distract the rest of the class. Perhaps consulting with the guidance counselor or admin to see what solutions they have.

I like this solution. Keeping the student busy with a similar creative activity is a good way for the student to express themselves as needed and stay occupied during down time.

I think this is a good approach to the situation.

Solution #2
What are you studying currently? Give the student an "extra credit" assignment to create a rap based on something you are learning. It could help keep him/her focused and channel the rapping spirit into something positive.
Solution #3
I would talk with your CT first to figure out why she's allowing this behavior to persist and ensure that she will back you up if you are going to reprimand the student. I would ask the student to please stay on task if he is rapping during the lesson. Once he is finished with the lesson, you could ask him to write down his raps or type them on a computer if they are doing it aloud. You could also offer them the opportunity to listen to music with headphones after completing the lesson if they listen quietly.

This is the approach that I think the student needs.

Solution #4
What if you asked the student to rap about the certain topic you are learning? Instead of having them submit a worksheet or take a test, have them write a rap about the topic. Then they can perform it. This allows them to use this outlet for learning. Do you have a reward or behavior chart in the class? Maybe if they continue to rap inappropriately, you can move their name down or a certain privledge can be revoked. Or, if you use my former suggestion, if they continue to rap loudly and inappropriately, they won't get the privilege of rapping in front of the class. Just a thought!
Solution #5
Instead of telling them to stop, create an assignment for them that involves rapping! This will allow them to access that outlet of creativity and encourage them to learn.
Solution #6
I agree that giving them a way to release their creativity by creating raps based on the instruction. I would also give more of a consequence if the problem continues
Solution #7
hello i suggest you make an assignment about rapping or one that is creative and uses rapping as the source of the assignment for educational use.
Solution #8
I would let them know that they are having some free time to listen to music but it still needs to be school appropriate or the music provide out be taken away.
Solution #9
hello i suggest you make an assignment about rapping or one that is creative and uses rapping as the source of the assignment for educational use.
Solution #10
You could have the student write down the rap or give students lots of time for collaborative learning to expel some of that energy. However, there may be a reason your CT is ignoring them, as bringing attention to them may increase the likelihood of it!
Solution #11
I would explain to the student that during instructional time the focus needs to be on the lessons. That way all the students are able to learn with out disruptions. During free time the student may rap but it needs to be school appropriate. Addressing the issue head on is the best way for the student to know there is an issue. If they do not know there is an issue they do not know how to fix it.
Solution #12
I would definitely have these students try and make creative raps, maybe encouraging them to rap about the class and the material!
Solution #13
I would tell the student that he must finish his assignments and then he can put in his headphones and listen to his music quietly. I would speak to him privately (with the CT's permission) about how the rapping is inappropriate and distracting to students. I also like the idea of incorporating some assignments into his rapping to help him learn.
Solution #14
I would remind the student to review the code of conduct to reiterate what type of language is appropriate in the classroom. Also, you should review the classroom management expectations with the student, and explain that the outbursts are disruptive to everyone in the classroom.
Solution #15
I would pull the student aside and suggest that they are distracting the class. No matter what I would not demean their ability, but I would ask them to avoid doing it in a setting that requires focus to succeed.
Solution #16
Consequences for inappropiate rapping should occur especially if you told them multiple times before stop rapping loudly when its disrupting the class
Solution #17
I would give the student 2 choices, stop rapping or some form of consequence that you know they won't like. Telling them to "stop" doesn't give them and incentive to do so. There needs to be some form of plan in place, otherwise the student won't care.

I do not agree with this solution. I feel the student be given a task or positive reinforcement when they stop.