Engaging High School Students

I am teaching in a High School learning strategies for my internship this semester and many of the morning class students, are not engaged in the content that we are teaching them. It is a struggle to get them to keep their heads up and engaged in the lesson, and even though I have tried to incorporate participation points, questioning, etc. they just do not want to be apart of the class. I get that the subject matter is a bit dry and boring, which is somewhat out of my control - but how can I get these students to care about their own learning?!?!?!

Solution #1
Top Solution
I feel that student engagement is created through the lessons and the teacher. So, if you believe that the subject matter is dry and boring, and your students sense that, they're not going to want to be engaged in your lessons no matter how many participation points you offer. If you want the students to be engaged, come in excited about the content and with an interesting and creative way of teaching the content. Students often become bored of the same monotonous teaching methods, day after day, so switching it up and doing something new could really help.

People feed off of each other's energy. This is true for the students. They will only be excited for a lesson if you are. Show the students that learning can be fun even when it seems boring. 10/10

Yes, people feed off of one another energy. Create lessons that are relate able to the students and it will get them to engage in the lesson due to them being able to relate to it.

Teacher should try to think of new, fun and engaging ways to teach students. Think of things that are relatable to your students.

Solution #2
I definitely agree with the other responses in that you must seem engaged in the material as well in order to get your students engaged. I personally have seen this with certain lessons I have taught and I stumbled across a website called Flocabulary that teaches while rapping. My students absolutely love this and are learning at the same time. Maybe you can try something like this or even looking up other creative ideas that can make even the more "dull" lessons more exciting and engaging.
Solution #3
I would try meeting each of my students at the front door with some kind of greeting to let them know you're excited to start the day. Then I would try spending the first five minutes of class doing some kind of body movement dancing to get their blood flowing. Sometimes thats all it takes to be more alert. You could play a "popular" song that is appropriate so that the students can get excited about it. My CT plays music for our students all the time and they love it.
Solution #4
Unlike elementary students, high school students are not as enthusiastic about learning. Try to use disguised learning instead of boring content presentations. Utilize constructivist lessons, technology, and discussions.

Technology is a great way to customize your lesson.

Solution #5
In my current Internship I face the same issue! Something that helps is my CT token economy system. Students earn tickets for actively participating and staying on task, and then they can trade them in for snacks! Another thing that helps is little treats here and there to wake them up. The support facilitator in my class hands out starburst every once in awhile.
Solution #6
Find out what they like and use rewards or tricks to getting them to be engaged.
Solution #7
I agree with both of these previous solutions. If you agree that the subject matter is dry and boring the students will find it dry and boring. Try to make the subject matter more interesting by incorporating technology or something that is of interest to the students.
Solution #8
I completely relate to your situation! I have the same problem with my high schoolers for my internship as well. What I’ve found helps the most is building a relationship with them and letting them know that they are teaching you how to teach them. Find out what they like and what they want to do after graduation. I also try to make it relevant to them. For example, if you are giving them word problems or sample paragraphs or something of the like, make it about one of your students and what they want to do post-graduation. They’ll feel special and their friends will mimic their enthusiasm and interest.
Solution #9
I completely relate to your situation! I have the same problem with my high schoolers for my internship as well. What I’ve found helps the most is building a relationship with them and letting them know that they are teaching you how to teach them. Find out what they like and what they want to do after graduation. I also try to make it relevant to them. For example, if you are giving them word problems or sample paragraphs or something of the like, make it about one of your students and what they want to do post-graduation. They’ll feel special and their friends will mimic their enthusiasm and interest.
Solution #10
I would greet them at the door and maybe start the class off with just talking to them and let the settle in. Maybe have them play a game with them or work in pairs.
Solution #11
Try doing the fun activity first. If there is a project or activity. This way the students have something fun to do and then they get to learn all about it. For example if you were doing the butterfly life cycle. Have the students start off by doing the butterfly kit first. Let them grow the caterpillars and watch them evolve into the butterfly. Then teach them about the process they just learned. I was taught this in an educational class. This will engage the students into the lesson. Try it and see!
Solution #12
The best way to catch their attention is to be way more interactive about the content. I use something called that is constantly interactive with the students. You can even build your own lesson on it. Also, be exciting, use some school appropriate humor.
Solution #13
The teacher could be more creative by incorporating real life connections into the lesson plan may help. Something students can connect to that is interesting to them so they will be more engaged and active in their learning experience.
Solution #14
I would try my best to relate the content with real world experiences. High school is a time where students experience a lot. Therefore, engaging students with making connections to the world from the content is a possible way that would allow them to have a more peaked interest in what they're learning.
Solution #15
I will try and make some the assignments were interesting by turning them into games or Group projects that get the students excited about learning and maybe even competitive.You could also have the students make up songs or raps about be content and that would get the students socializing and learning.
Solution #16
Try and give fun activities that are non-relevant through the lessons. Small little brain games that take a couple minutes. Maybe show a funny video on youtube or a funny meme.