Classroom Management

My CT has a very strict and very good classroom management plan implemented. There is nothing I would change and nothing I could add. She really has everything under control. Students who are "bad" in other classes are great in her class. Everyone respects her and me more than I had imagined coming into this. They treat me as if I was their teacher. Even when she leaves the room the students are great. The problem is I have to create a classroom management plan to implement what should I do? Should I ask her to change one of her rules or add more? She has enough rules I cant imagine adding more but she doesnt have too many. Everything is really perfectly organized. What should I do?

Solution #1
I understand your struggle here as I am in a similar situation myself. My suggestion would be to focus on one individual student as opposed to whole group classroom management. Because your CT already has so many well-designed procedures in place, it would be nearly impossible to adjust that classroom management design. Using one student to focus on should help you with this issue! Select one student, maybe one who does have some slight inattention issues, tardiness issues, etc. and work off of that. I don’t think the management plan has to be designed entirely by you, so ask your CT how you can work on creating a plan for one student and track the progress.
Solution #2
During my last internship, I was in the same situation as you are. However, in one of my CT's class periods, there were three students who really struggled to stay on task and finish their work. For these three students, I decided that I would create a behavior management plan that was specific to the behaviors that all three students portrayed. I kept track of each of the student's behaviors on a behavior plan spreadsheet, the two days that I was there every week, for six weeks. Everyday I marked off, with either a check mark or a minus, whether or not each of the student's stayed on task without having to be talked to more than once, if they completed at least 80% of their work for the day, and if they got at least 80% of the completed work correct or not. At the end of the six weeks, if the students had at least ten check marks on their behavior plan, they got some sort of reward. I think that this type of management plan could help you within the specific internship class that you are in. It would allow you to work either independently with a student and/or with a small group of students and implement some sort of plan that is specific to any misbehaviors that they may be portraying. If needed, I am sure that your CT would be 100% willing to assist you in developing some sort of management plan for a small group of students within their class.
Solution #3
I would suggest that you should do your management plan specifically on one student or on a few students all sharing the same behavior issue. You could create a behavior chart that would go with the student(s) throughout the day, seeing the marks that their other teachers are giving them and have an incentive/reward for going M-F with minimal/no issues in other classes. This may be able to help manage some of the behaviors that the other teachers are seeing in their classes.
Solution #4
First i would get permission from that instructor to run or teach the class. What I feel you should do is to come up with your own classroom management plan and implement it the way you want your classroom ran. Establish your own rules and expectations, reward system and consequences for your classroom.

I agree with this approach.

Solution #5
It's great that a good classroom management plan is already in place. Instead of changing or adding something, you could try to enhance it and make it more fun for the students. For example, if students have great behavior all day/week they could have a dance party on Friday for 10-15 minutes; enact a reward system!
Solution #6
I would maybe look at the procedures to see if one can get taken away if the students have it under control to add something that the students could work on.
Solution #7
Clearly the CT knows what they're doing. If you have to implement a new plan, then maybe you can work on an individual student. Also, see if you can change the reward system too.
Solution #8
Maybe you could make plan for students who if something were to arise you would have a plan in place. You create something that is specific to one or two students who behaviors are maybe not what is wanted in the classroom.