
How will you help students in a low-income school to be aware with racial discrimination?

Solution #1
I would use multicultural literature, movies, and articles, debates or Socratic seminars, and lessons based on history and what previous generations of people groups went through. I would make sure to set up expectations and rules regarding how the lessons would run - no disrespect, yelling, or unkind words should be seen in class.

I like the sue of different materials to teach multicultural and diversity.

Solution #2
Multicultural education or literature and teach other perspectives
Solution #3
Diverse and multicultural education should be taught to show these students.
Solution #4
There are many multicultural books that children can read or/and projects out of it. In school usually racism happens because of lack of knowledge and exposure to different cultures and backgrounds. we can learn from each other! you can even assign a different country or culture for a group project.
Solution #5
If you are referring to low income schools statistically having a larger POC population, you must teach them the same way you would teach students who are not in a low income school. On the other hand, teaching that discrimination is not okay and that we must treat everyone fairly doesn't have to be expensive, if that is what you mean.
Solution #6
With education, and the teaching of real actual history. History repeats itself if not taught.
Solution #7
By either having teachers show a presentation on racial discrimination to inform their students on the matter, or giving their students reading material for them to read in their free time on the matter.
Solution #8
Honestly with students is critical. They know it is there it is just addressing the fact