Black Face

A group of students showed up today wearing black face to my classroom. I immediately sent them to the bathroom to wash it off and sent a letter home.
The principal has called for an assembly to discuss the severity of their actions and I feel moved to give my testimony.
As a new teacher, would that be wise?

Solution #1
Top Solution
I agree with your solution and think it is a great way to solve the issue. Students may not be aware of the severity of their actions and should know the history behind blackface and why it is wrong.
Solution #2
Definitely! They were your students and it is important for them to know why their actions were extremely inappropriate and racist.
Solution #3
I think that is a very good idea. The issue is being addressed school wide, but because it is happening in your classroom I think it will help students understand there will be no tolerance in your classroom.

I agree with having the issue talked about on a school-wide level, but definitely concentrated in your classroom.

Solution #4
Whether or not you are a new teacher, you have a moral duty to your black students to stand up for what is right. Discussing your experience at the assembly and explaining the significance would be helpful.
Solution #5
What do you mean by testimony? I definitely think you should speak about how wrong it is and why you as a teacher will not stand for that kind of behavior. Make sure you advocate for any students who may have felt uncomfortable and let them know that your classroom is to be a safe space. It is very smart you got admin involved. Good luck!
Solution #6
For sure make students wash their faces and have a conference talk with parents, administrator and students about the issue and the history of it.
Solution #7
I appreciate you feeling that you should speak up! Change starts with our own selves. Students should not believe that this behavior is acceptable at all.
Solution #8
First of all, how did they manage to accomplish something this apparent without any other teachers or faculty noticing? I would definitely speak at the assembly, just make sure to make personal real world connections about racism, or the students will most likely blow it off.
Solution #9
Yes, should be allowed to speak your peace and state why you felt what the students did was wrong.
Solution #10
Yes! Regardless of being a new teacher or not, you are the catalyst for change and can do so. Please help the world correct these horrible actions@
Solution #11
i think that would be wise. the situation is very severe & needs to be handled
Solution #12
Yes! This problem needs to be discussed!!
Solution #13
I don't think a testimony is needed in this situation. It seems like it's getting addressed professionally and appropriately by the principal.
Solution #14
I think this would be very wise. it is important for our students to know why this behavior was not okay

I agree!