CT Internship

I am in my second internship with a ESE high school teacher. It has been about a month into my internship and he still has yet to involve me in the classroom. I have taught before at the elementary level and although I don't want to take over the class and I want him to feel comfortable I also want to help. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Solution #1
I would start off by trying to offer help. What can you do to help set up in the morning or prepare for the next lesson? Can you help pass out or collect papers. Express interest in assisting with a lesson. Let the teacher know that you are there to help in anyway. I would tell him that you were wondering if you might be able to teach a lesson with him viewing and ask him to offer feedback. This way you can apply the skills you have learned while he has a task to do so he is not just sitting around. Keep everything open and honest.

Absolutely this post does everything right. My big concern is that if the solution doesn’t work then it is time to contact the University supervisor and see what are the next steps to this since doing some work in the class is necessary to passing an internship.

I agree that it may be necessary to get the University supervisor involved if this solution doe not work. It is important that the intern has the opportunity to teach and be involved in the classroom.

Solution #2
It is important to remember that you are paying to have this learning opportunity. Your CT also has taken the course to be a CT and should have attended a meeting/ training where the expectations of CT and interns was reviewed. I would politely review the teaching schedule that releases more and more of the school day to you as the semester goes on. Some people like to see initiative so it may be helpful to insert your self by helping students, offering to do the behavior chart, grade assignments etc. If nothing changes in a week or so after trying these suggestions, you should speak with your supervisor.
Solution #3
I would start by talking to the teacher. Explain that you feel ready to help in the classroom, and ask what he would like you to do. Maybe come up with specific examples of tasks that you would like to participate in. If he does not receive this well, I would talk to your university supervisor. They may need to have a discussion with your CT.
Solution #4
I understand this issue because I also had this problem in my internship. However, my teacher wanted me involved but she wanted me to do things exactly how she would do them, which made it difficult to be involved as I feared I'd do things wrong in her eyes. It's just very important to be confident and teach as if it is your classroom. Your CT took you in as their intern knowing that you are practicing teaching and preparing for your future career in teaching. You could ask them directly what you could do to become more involved or just assert yourself and be a teacher to the students.
Solution #5
Continue to try and do little things like handing out papers. I would also show your CT where in the Internship Manual it explicitly states how frequently you should be teaching each day.

I recommend offering to help your CT with tasks. Also, I think that your should let the university or your supervisor know what is going on because they are in charge of your internship too.

Solution #6
I am in my second internship right now as well in an ESE self-contained middle school classroom. Since the very beginning of my internship, I have sat down with my CT and been open and honest. This way she knows my assignments, how much I am required to teach, as well as my wanting to teach. Even though you are a month in, I would still sit down with them and be honest and professional.
Solution #7
I completely understand how you feel! I am in my second internship with an ESE middle school teacher and it has been about a month in as well. My CT has given me the pleasure to work with the students starting my second week in, but my elementary CT was not that way at all and gave a bad reputation for all other CT's out there as she would never let me help. I went almost two months without assisting the students. I would recommend putting a foot out there and helping out anyway. If a student needs help but the CT is busy, rush over to help them. I started by passing out papers and then helping the students when they raised their hand. I began to study her like a book so I knew what to do at all times to help out. She eventually let me lead a small group until I could teach whole class. It will get better!
Solution #8
Let the CT know that you are willing to help and have a more active role in the class, since it is possible that the CT doesn't realize that you feeling this way. However, there are some CT's that prefer it this way and don't want you to take over the class as often. Try your best to learn from him as much as possible and involve yourself in helping kids one-on-one if this is the case.
Solution #9
Coming up with a plan and a schedule with your CT may help you feel more involved. When learning to become a teacher it is important to practice and you can not due so unless you have a chance to instruct the class.
Solution #10
I am in the same boat. It is very frustrating, I feel like more a burden than an addition to the class. I would communicate with your CT, asking how you can be of most help to them and their class. I was put in charge of grading, which, you know. It is something. I would also discuss with them your assignments and expectations, so they can understand that your participation is required. Teachers are very overwhelmed right now, so asking about upcoming plans, lessons, activities, etc. in order to assist them would also be appreciated. You could also communicate with your supervisor, so they can relay to the CT the expectations for interns.
Solution #11
I would talk to your CT about your involvement in his classroom. If he does not involve you, talk to your internship adviser. They can help direct the issue to a solution. Many advisers will reach out to the CT directly about the issue. The three of you can have a meeting where the adviser goes over what is expected as a CT and what is expected as the intern.
Solution #12
It is your responsibility to show your CT the manual and make sure he knows what is expected. From there, if he is still not responsive, I would contact my University Supervisor for guidance on what to do next.
Solution #13
I would let my superizor know what is going on.