Middle School Relationships

I am currently in my 6-12 Internship. A common issue I have noticed is that many students start "dating", but then they quickly break up. This is starting to cause issues where certain students will not want to work together in their groups due to negative feelings towards each other because of a break up. I have tried changing the groups, but then another relationship arises that causes issues. I am not sure how to have the students work collaboratively without the drama. Any advice would be appreciated.

Solution #1
In the state of Florida the county has been pushing ‘Restorative Circles’ to resolve conflicts in the classroom. This is where each student gets a turn to talk about something positive in their day and what has been going on. You could also have a meeting with all participating parties. Do your best to hold either a class discussion one day or meetings. If none of that works come up with a plan with the CT and University Supervisor or talk with veteran teachers.

I would talk to the students and remind them of classroom rules, expectations, and procedures. I would make them aware that in life they will have to learn how keep personal relationships separate from work, and it is the same for the classroom. They have to learn to keep personal relationships separate from school. Remind them being respectful of one another is a classroom expectation and nothing less will be tolerated. I would let them know that classroom participation counts towards their grade and make it known any negative behavior or comments that interfere with the lesson will take away from their participation grade.

Solution #2
I would maybe tell the students that you are going to have to work with people you do not like or have had some history with. This is how it is going to be in the real world too! You can't structure your class around who has dated who and whether or not they are together or not.

I think this is what I would do in this situation. Tell them real-life stuff, thats what they need to hear, if they like it or not.

I think that this is what I would do in this situation. I think that they need to understand what the real world will be like. I would add in a restorative circle though.

If I were in this situation, I would do this. I would mention to the students in the real world they would eventually have to work with people they do not like.

Solution #3
It is important as a teacher to not get too involved with students and their personal relationships. Being aware of what students are going through is important but I would not choose to continue working around the relationship issues of middle schoolers. While they may feel awkward for a few days after breaking up or being dumped it won't be long until they are laughing about it and moving on so I would continue to focus on teaching and let it resolve itself as it might seem like a big deal for students now but that will change quickly with days to come.

I recommend trying to review the classroom rules and procedures to the class. I think having a restorative group or a class meeting would be a good idea. During these occurrences, talk about some of the conflicts and how it affects the classroom. Also, discuss with the students to come up with a solution.

this would be the best way to deal with inappropriate behaviors such as those.

This is a great solution to the situation at hand and think it is important to keep that seperation.

Solution #4
Middle school relationships are something that can't be avoided unfortunately. I would tell students that they will need to work cooperatively with the people in their groups, regardless of what goes on outside of the class. In the real world they will need to work with people they don't like or get along with. Change up the groups and let them know that they will only need to deal with this for the class period and can move on.

This is something i personally would do in a classroom

Solution #5
The students should be aware that collaboration is apart of their grade, not to mention it can be a good life lesson for them. We're all going to have to work with people we don't like but we need to learn to be mature and get the work done. You can't constantly move them around because they want to date and break up. Be stern but also understanding.
Solution #6
I wouldn't get too involved with this unless it becomes a specific issues. It may be beneficial to have a conversation with students about how in life we have to work with people we don't like and don't really get along with, but this is just a skill that the students will have to learn to prosper later in life.
Solution #7
I think a great solution would be to be more engaged in walking around. They may feel more inclined to do the work if they are being more supervised. Make sure it is understood that they have to complete the work in their groups.
Solution #8
This is where real life problems come into play. I would express to my students the concern and difficulties that I have faced due to their relationships and how I will no longer be accommodating to their social needs within the classroom and just as in the workplace where they will eventually be, there will be people who you do not want to work with but will have to respect them anyways and get the work done.
Solution #9
I would stop trying to make arrangements in order for every student to feel comfortable. There are times that we will be uncomfortable and have to deal with it. I say talking to the class about this and telling them you will not tolerate group switching is important.
Solution #10
Go over rules and procedures and try tp maintain a safe, positive classroom environment

I dont think that going over rules and procedures is going to adress the situation of their personal issues.

If I were in this situation, I do not think I would just go over the rules because it will not solve their relationship problems.