We have a student within an ESE classroom with behavioral issues. As an incentive to do the right thing, this student receives Skittles every time they are on task. This has been working for keeping the student on task. Other students see him getting candy and wonder why they are not getting any for doing the right thing. I do not want to embarrass the student that gets Skittles by explaining to the entire class that he is getting them for behavioral issues. Any advice on how to handle this?
I fully agree!
I agree as well I have that situation going on too and I feel like children shouldn't be given candy at school by teachers unless it's a special day like a party or something I also believe that what you do for one you should do for all. There are other ways to reward students besides candy.
I agree with this approach to the solution. It will help to reward the whole class when there is positive behavior.
I agree with this! Incentives don't have to be food related, so it is best if you use a new rewarding system that all the students can participate in.
I agree with this! Rewarding the students as a whole is more productive and allows them to feel included.
Having 2 different incentives is a great idea! It allows the others to feel included and it also allows the ESE student to continue working on his behavior to get his incentive.
I don't think this is a great idea. When the student behaves, they are expected to get rewarded for it right there or they might not continue to behave. This also wouldn't be fair to the other kids because they aren't being rewarded either, even if it's in secret or because of the fact that the student is ESE.