
A student in a conservative school district appears to be experimenting with their gender identity. Can the needs of the child be balanced against prevailing community norms? Should they?

Solution #1
Although students should be allowed to try things that go against the norm (American ideals are all about being a melting pot of different people after all), it is a more difficult question of how to balance the student's needs. I would say that the teacher can act to help prevent any bullying and being accepting of the student and their pronouns, but beyond that I would have to do more research myself on before giving an informed answer.
Solution #2
I personally believe that it is not a topic that I am able to handle. This is something I would refer to the school counselor. Inside of a very conservative area the student may struggle with anxiety that they are unable to handle. The student has every right to experiment with that they feel their gender may be. The other issue could be if you feel that the school counselor would not be objective. In that case I would reach out to community member for advice or liberal friends.

I feel like this is also how I would go about this situation.

Solution #3
The school district has no jurisdiction over a student's gender identity. If the student needs counseling services, they should be referred by their teacher.